Abdi Ibrahim Pharmaceuticals
Abdi _brahim, Turkish pharmaceutical industry leader, was founded in 1912 in KٍÙkmustafapa_a, Istanbul at a small pharmacy, by Pharmacist Abdi _brahim Bey who had started the ñhealingî journey. Abdi _brahim has the largest product portfolio in the sector, exceeding 180 brands and approximately 350 products by developing its own products as well as working with 30 licensors. With a powerful vision, dynamic structure and contemporary outlook, Abdi _brahim has been the leader of TurkeyÍs Pharmaceutical Industry since 2003. Today, Abdi _brahim, which operates in eight countries outside Turkey, exports to 50 countries ranging from Canada to European Union member states, from North Africa to Asia and creates the highest employment with nearly 3.500 qualified employees in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry. The company also comes to the fore with its marketing and sales team, which is the largest in the industry. Abdi _brahim, having the first accredited R&D center in the industry, is a role model with its technological equipment and architecture as well as R&D processes in healing the future. Owning four production facilities as AbdiBio, the biotechnological pharmaceuticals production facility that will be completed in 2017 along with its current production facilities in Kazakhstan, Algeria and _stanbul, the company is on a fast track to become a strong international player with its strategic alliances. Abdi _brahim has taken an important step by signing United Nations Global Principles Agreement in 2010 and given the opportunity to share high standards which it has acquired in the fields of human rights, as well as environmental and social responsibility. Besides, Abdi _brahim has focused its activities on sustainability studies on level A of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and published its second Sustainability Report. www.abdiibrahim.com.tr
Istanbul, Turkey

Abdi _brahim, Turkish pharmaceutical industry leader, was founded in 1912 in KٍÙkmustafapa_a, Istanbul at a small pharmacy, by Pharmacist Abdi _brahim Bey who had started the ñhealingî journey. Abdi _brahim has the largest product portfolio in the sector, exceeding 180 brands and approximately 350 products by developing its own products as well as working with 30 licensors.

With a powerful vision, dynamic structure and contemporary outlook, Abdi _brahim has been the leader of TurkeyÍs Pharmaceutical Industry since 2003. Today, Abdi _brahim, which operates in eight countries outside Turkey, exports to 50 countries ranging from Canada to European Union member states, from North Africa to Asia and creates the highest employment with nearly 3.500 qualified employees in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry. The company also comes to the fore with its marketing and sales team, which is the largest in the industry.

Abdi _brahim, having the first accredited R&D center in the industry, is a role model with its technological equipment and architecture as well as R&D processes in healing the future.

Owning four production facilities as AbdiBio, the biotechnological pharmaceuticals production facility that will be completed in 2017 along with its current production facilities in Kazakhstan, Algeria and _stanbul, the company is on a fast track to become a strong international player with its strategic alliances.

Abdi _brahim has taken an important step by signing United Nations Global Principles Agreement in 2010 and given the opportunity to share high standards which it has acquired in the fields of human rights, as well as environmental and social responsibility. Besides, Abdi _brahim has focused its activities on sustainability studies on level A of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and published its second Sustainability Report.


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Global Rank 280,391
Turkey Rank 11,022
Turkey Page Views 42.4%
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  • Energy and Environment
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Mobile App Data
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  • 24 SDKs
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/abdi-ibrahim-pharmaceuticals/id1092143817
  • App Support: http://www.galen.com.tr
  • Genre: Health & Fitness
  • Bundle ID: com.FerrumGebelikCarki
  • App Size: 26.5 M
  • Version: 2.1
  • Release Date: March 18th, 2016
  • Update Date: April 22nd, 2018


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Daily Downloads Dec 01 - 31, 2024
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AV Foundation
Core Foundation Framework
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Abdi Ibrahim Pharmaceuticals receives traffic in countries such as Turkey.

They are headquartered at Istanbul, Turkey, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Abdi Ibrahim Pharmaceuticals works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.