_len Ikolata Gda San.ve Tic. A._.
TŸketicilerin ihtiyalarõnõ ve damak zevklerini anlayarak onlarõn isteklerine gšre šnceliklerini belirleyen _šlen; Biscolata, Milango, Ozmo, Luppo, Lokkum, Boombastic ve Nutymax gibi markalara sahiptir. Cesur ve yeniliki yapõsõndan aldõ_õ ilhamla, benzersiz ve lezzetli ŸrŸnlerini tŸketicilerinin be_enisine sunan _šlenÕin atõ_tõrmalõk, lisanlõ ŸrŸnler, ocuk ŸrŸnleri ve ikramlõk ŸrŸnler kategorilerinde 200ÕŸn Ÿzerinde e_idi bulunuyor. Tutkuyu ve fark yaratmayõ st
Food Production
Gaziantep, Turkey
_len Ikolata Gda San.ve Tic. A._.

TŸketicilerin ihtiyalarõnõ ve damak zevklerini anlayarak onlarõn isteklerine gšre šnceliklerini belirleyen _šlen; Biscolata, Milango, Ozmo, Luppo, Lokkum, Boombastic ve Nutymax gibi markalara sahiptir. Cesur ve yeniliki yapõsõndan aldõ_õ ilhamla, benzersiz ve lezzetli ŸrŸnlerini tŸketicilerinin be_enisine sunan _šlenÕin atõ_tõrmalõk, lisanlõ ŸrŸnler, ocuk ŸrŸnleri ve ikramlõk ŸrŸnler kategorilerinde 200ÕŸn Ÿzerinde e_idi bulunuyor.

Tutkuyu ve fark yaratmayõ stratejisinin kalbine koyarak, kendi sektšrŸnde hem TŸrkiyeÕde hem de dŸnyada ba_arõ basamaklarõnõ hõzla tõrmanmaya devam eden _šlen bugŸn T_M verilerine gšre TŸrkiyeÕnin en fazla ikolata ihracatõ yapan firmasõ olarak 100ÕŸ a_kõn Ÿlkeye ihracat gerekle_tiriyor. _šlen, GaziantepÕte AvrupaÕnõn en yŸksek teknolojisine sahip yapõda tasarlanan rŸya fabrikasõyla EndŸstri 4.0Õõn šncŸlŸ_ŸnŸ yapõyor. Ayrõca, Gaziantep ve _stanbulÕdaki Ar-Ge merkezleriyle TŸrkiye gõda sektšrŸnde tek tŸzel ki_ilikte 2 farklõ lokasyonda Ar-Ge merkezine sahip ilk kurulu_ olma šzelli_i ta_õyor.


_šlen, which understands the consumers'_ needs and palatal delights and determines its priorities according to their demands, has brands such as Biscolata, Milango, Ozmo, Luppo, Lokkum, Boombastic, and Nutymax. _šlen, which offers its unique and delicious products to its consumers with an inspiration it takes from its brave and innovative structure, has over 200 product types in the categories of snacks, licensed products, children's products, and treats.
_šlen, which keeps climbing up the stairs of success rapidly in its own sector in both Turkey and the world by putting passion and difference-making in the center of its strategy, exports its products to over 100 countries today. With its dream factory in Gaziantep designed with the highest technology of Europe, _šlen is a pioneer of Industry 4.0. Besides, with its R&D centers in Gaziantep and Istanbul, it is the first company in the food sector of Turkey, which has R&D centers in 2 different locations within the structure of a single legal entity.

_šlen, which has advanced its activities it had started with a focus on exportation through strong brands it has created in domestic market, is Turkey's most chocolate and chocolate products exporting company according to the data of Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM). _šlen also ranks 53rd in the year 2016 list of Candy Industry Top 100, which is one of the most important lists of the world in the area of confectionery.

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