Airspan Networks
Airspan is a Leading Vendor of LTE Small Cells and Small Cell Backhaul technologies. Established originally in 1992 as a product division of DSC Communications, Airspan became a standalone company in 1997 and today has more than 1000 customers in over 100 countries around the world. Airspan has a complete range of LTE and 4G Base Stations and complementary small cell backhaul solutions using both LTE Relay and proprietary technologies. Airspan also addresses non mobile carrier and private network deployment including the needs of fixed Internet Service Providers, and a number of vertical market segments including Smart Grids, Public Safety, Transportation and Oil & Gas. Airspan has been at the forefront of breakthrough RAN solutions and technologies and has deep in-house expertise in LTE and LTE Advanced, OFDMA, Wi-Fi and VoIP, Airspan is able to exploit synergies and come up with innovative products and solutions that closely integrate these technologies in the most beneficial ways for customers. Airspan is also looking forward to the future with the development of solution that combine Small Cells with Gbit/s backhaul and Virtualization, which will be the basis of itÍs 5G products and solutions.
200 - 500
Boca Raton, FL, United States

Airspan is a Leading Vendor of LTE Small Cells and Small Cell Backhaul technologies.

Established originally in 1992 as a product division of DSC Communications, Airspan became a standalone company in 1997 and today has more than 1000 customers in over 100 countries around the world.

Airspan has a complete range of LTE and 4G Base Stations and complementary small cell backhaul solutions using both LTE Relay and proprietary technologies. Airspan also addresses non mobile carrier and private network deployment including the needs of fixed Internet Service Providers, and a number of vertical market segments including Smart Grids, Public Safety, Transportation and Oil & Gas.

Airspan has been at the forefront of breakthrough RAN solutions and technologies and has deep in-house expertise in LTE and LTE Advanced, OFDMA, Wi-Fi and VoIP, Airspan is able to exploit synergies and come up with innovative products and solutions that closely integrate these technologies in the most beneficial ways for customers. Airspan is also looking forward to the future with the development of solution that combine Small Cells with Gbit/s backhaul and Virtualization, which will be the basis of itÍs 5G products and solutions.

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They are headquartered at Boca Raton, FL, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Airspan Networks works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Twitter Ads.