Association ñUkrainian Agribusiness Clubî provides the wide range of services for its partners covering the most essential areas of agricultural business in Ukraine. Cooperation with UCAB is a competent key for starting your business in Ukraine.
The main activities of UCAB are:
- Lobbying and single issue lobbying, representation of our membersÍ interests on all political levels;
- Providing our members with information and analysis (newsletters, market reports, expert briefings and seminars, individual consultations);
- Career advancement for young professionals (trainings, seminars, job fairs, recruitment of personnel for our members).
AgriEvent - Conference Management, Event Management, Agriculture & Food Fair Service, Business Trips, Venue Search Service, Technical Service, Catering, Transportation, Translation Service
AgriJob - The first specialized project for successful employment and recruitment in all agricultural sectors of Ukraine
AgriSurvey - Provides our clients with the full range of market information within Ukraininan agri-sector. We offer conduction of market research, surveys, interviews, focus groups etc.
AgriEfficiency - Detailed precise analysis of Ukrainian farms performance. Detection of weaknesses and strengths of the entities and efficiency advice.
AgroBrand - Identification of the most recognizable agricultural brands. We detect the best known producers of equipment, seeds, plant protection etc.
AgriContact - Contact information of more than 8000 agricultural enterprises in Ukraine: farm name, address, phone, contact person, basic farm info.
AgroMonitor - Price indicators and significant comments on the meat, dairy and sugar markets. Weekly issue. Free distribution among 500 subscribers.
Doing Agribusiness in Ukraine 2010 - UCABÍs annual issue on the conditions of making agribusiness in Ukraine. Brief comprehensive vital information for our foreign partners.
- Company Name:Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club""
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Kiev, Ukraine
Public Policy
10 - 50 employees
- 2108754 Global Rank
- 56536 Ukraine

- Ukraine 100.0%
- Consumer Goods and Services
- Watches