Bem-vindo ö company page oficial da Atlas Copco Brasil. Atlas Copco _ um grupo industrial lÕder em compressores, equipamentos para construÜo e mineraÜo, ferramentas industriais e sistemas de montagem.
Com uma longa tradiÜo e 144 anos de experincia, o Grupo fornece soluÝes sustentàveis para aumentar a produtividade dos clientes atrav_s de produtos e servios inovadores.
No Brasil, a Atlas Copco està presente desde 1955, portanto, 62 anos de Brasil. Durante esse perÕodo, participou de projetos importantes, como a construÜo das usinas de Itaipu e TucuruÕ e dos metrªs de SÜo Paulo e Rio de Janeiro; extraiu carvÜo em CriciÏma; industrializou o màrmore de Cachoeira do Itapemirim, no EspÕrito Santo; participou da montagem de automÑveis e veÕculos de transporte e impulsionou o crescimento das indÏstrias em geral.
Hoje, o Grupo Atlas Copco oferece suporte aos clientes em 180 paÕses, com operaÝes prÑprias em 90 destes. Em 2015, a Atlas Copco foi classificada como uma das empresas mais inovadoras e sustentàveis do planeta segundo o FÑrum Mundial de Economia. A Atlas Copco està classificada na 34È posiÜo e _ a primeira indÏstria de equipamentos da lista. Foi a d_cima vez que a Atlas Copco apareceu no Õndice.
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- Company Name:Atlas Copco Brasil
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Nacka, Sweden
> 10,000 employees
- 54183 Global Rank
- 103673
- 821 K Estimated Visits

- China 51.2%
- Sweden 6.9%
- India 5.8%
- United States 4.4%
- France 4.0%
- Industrial Goods and Services
- Fluid and Gas Control
- Compressors
- 14 SDKs

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Business
- Bundle ID: com.atlascopco.installAIR
- App Size: 19 M
- Version: 1.0.2
- Release Date: January 2nd, 2017
- Update Date: July 5th, 2017
The InstallAIR app has been developed for persons who need to install a compressor.
This is a simple tool to assist the installer or user with the correct installation of the compressor.
Calculations which are included:
- Buffer capacity calculation
- Pipe diameter
- The influence of pressure drops in the compressed air net and the cost of the pressure drop
- The amount of cooling air needed to cool the compressor room
- Unit conversion for pressure, flow, dimension,…
- Simple leakage calculations
- The amount of condensate as a consequence of compressing air
- Volume conversion
We are convinced that this tool can help you with a good installation of your equipment.
Atlas Copco contact details can be found in the app if further support is required.


They are headquartered at Nacka, Sweden, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Atlas Copco Brasil works with Advertising technology companies such as The Trade Desk, Videology, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Resonate Insights, Dstillery, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, Atlas, DemDex, Google Remarketing, Openads/OpenX, Pubmatic, Bizo, LinkedIn Ads, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Rubicon Project, AdRoll, Taboola, Google Floodlight Counter,, Adobe Audience Manager, Facebook Custom Audiences.