Bnp Paribas Cardif
Every day, in 35 countries, we stand close to our 100 million insurance customers, seeing them through their projects as they protect themselves from the uncertainties of life. To accomplish this mission, we co-design savings and protection products with 500 partner distributors. Our business model, based on collaboration, entrepreneurship and expertise, is the hallmark of our unique identity and success: world leader for borrower insurance, in 2016 we achieve
5,000 - 10,000
Paris, France
Bnp Paribas Cardif

Every day, in 35 countries, we stand close to our 100 million insurance customers, seeing them through their projects as they protect themselves from the uncertainties of life. To accomplish this mission, we co-design savings and protection products with 500 partner distributors.

Our business model, based on collaboration, entrepreneurship and expertise, is the hallmark of our unique identity and success: world leader for borrower insurance, in 2016 we achieved a turnover of ó27.1 bn.

Thanks to the expertise and know-how of our 10,000 employees, we are constantly developing new ways of working to meet the specific needs of our partner distributors and their customers. To achieve our goals, we rely on collaborative and agile work methods.

We build today the insurance of tomorrow, which protects life experiences and allows the accomplishment of all projects.

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They are headquartered at Paris, France, and have 16 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Bnp Paribas Cardif works with Advertising technology companies such as Weborama, DoubleClick.Net.