Burda International is a globally operating media company. As the international arm of Hubert Burda Media, one of the largest German media companies, we are home to entrepreneurs and innovators creating products that are tailored to individual consumer needs around the globe.
Working at Burda International Poland provides a chance to acquire valuable skills and experience in a large international corporation. We offer our employees many opportunities to begin and develop their professional careers, have new experiences and fulfil their ambitions. Top performers have a chance at long-term cooperation with a prestigious media company, financial stability, endless opportunities to develop their skills, and the ability to continue their career in an international corporate environment.
Working in our company could involve creative cooperation with our editorial department, as well as broadening your practical knowledge while working on new projects.
Our employees have the opportunity to meet their own needs and aspirations while implementing company strategy. We teach strategic thinking and the principles of teamwork.
We respect and value artists and experts in each field and we are open to everyone. People who think outside the box are welcome. If our company values are close to yours, you are open to changes and challenges, and your dream is to work in a modern, dynamic company, join our team!
Our employees are a reflection of our success. ThatÕs why we put so much effort into our effective recruitment process and then we develop and support our talent at every level. We respect and value our former, current and future employees.
- Company Name:Burda International Poland
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Wroclaw, Poland
Media Production
- 1714315 Global Rank
- 44916 Poland

- 0 SDKs
- 4 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/burda-communications-sp-z-o-o-/id675590147
- App Support: http://www.burdamedia.pl
- Genre: Lifestyle
- Bundle ID: pl.burdamedia.elle
- App Size: 11.2 M
- Version: 1.5
- Release Date: August 7th, 2013
- Update Date: June 8th, 2016
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