Central 1 Credit Union
Central 1 is the central financial facility and trade association for the B.C. and Ontario credit union systems. Central 1 represents a consumer-oriented, full-service retail financial system that serves 3.3 million members and holds $116 billion in assets and is owned primarily by its member credit unions, 42 in B.C. and 70 in Ontario. With offices in Vancouver, Mississauga, and Toronto and more than 500 employees, Central 1 provides a wide range of services such as liquidity management, direct banking, and flexible payment service solutions to a wide range of credit union and institutional clients Central 1 is governed by a 14-member Board of Directors drawn from credit unions in the two provinces. For more information, visit www.central1.com. Follow Central 1 on Twitter @Central1CU or on Facebook at Central 1 Credit Union.
Vancouver, BC

Central 1 is the central financial facility and trade association for the B.C. and Ontario credit union systems. Central 1 represents a consumer-oriented, full-service retail financial system that serves 3.3 million members and holds $116 billion in assets and is owned primarily by its member credit unions, 42 in B.C. and 70 in Ontario.

With offices in Vancouver, Mississauga, and Toronto and more than 500 employees, Central 1 provides a wide range of services such as liquidity management, direct banking, and flexible payment service solutions to a wide range of credit union and institutional clients

Central 1 is governed by a 14-member Board of Directors drawn from credit unions in the two provinces.

For more information, visit www.central1.com. Follow Central 1 on Twitter @Central1CU or on Facebook at Central 1 Credit Union.

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