Egyptian Banking Institute
The Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) was established under the Egyptian Law No. 78 in 1991 as the sole training arm of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to provide banking, financial and monetary training to EgyptÍs banking professionals. Under this Law, the Institute was governed by a Board of Trustees, including the Governor of the CBE and the InstituteÍs Executive Director. In 2003 under the Egyptian Law. No. 88, the Institute was redefined as a separate entity with an independent budget and governed by a Board of Directors, headed by the Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt. As part of its institutional goals EBI considers program development and improvement as a critical activity to its success. As such, the InstituteÍs core programming in banking and financial disciplines is augmented with an ever increasing demand for management, human resources, and other ñsoftî skills, including English for special purposes and information technology. Now, EBI is given the distinction of being the first ACCET accredited banking and financial training institute in Egypt and the region which rendered a unique competitive advantage for EBI in the market. This distinctive advantage allows EBI to satisfy professional certification and development qualifications for Continuing Education Units for all its training courses as well as the Credit Hours for its certificates.
Higher Education
50 - 200
Cairo, Egypt

The Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) was established under the Egyptian Law No. 78 in 1991 as the sole training arm of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to provide banking, financial and monetary training to EgyptÍs banking professionals. Under this Law, the Institute was governed by a Board of Trustees, including the Governor of the CBE and the InstituteÍs Executive Director. In 2003 under the Egyptian Law. No. 88, the Institute was redefined as a separate entity with an independent budget and governed by a Board of Directors, headed by the Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt.

As part of its institutional goals EBI considers program development and improvement as a critical activity to its success. As such, the InstituteÍs core programming in banking and financial disciplines is augmented with an ever increasing demand for management, human resources, and other ñsoftî skills, including English for special purposes and information technology.

Now, EBI is given the distinction of being the first ACCET accredited banking and financial training institute in Egypt and the region which rendered a unique competitive advantage for EBI in the market. This distinctive advantage allows EBI to satisfy professional certification and development qualifications for Continuing Education Units for all its training courses as well as the Credit Hours for its certificates.

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Global Rank 120,023
Egypt Rank 2,911
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  • 0 SDKs
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  • App Size: 21 M
  • Version: 2.1
  • Release Date: March 25th, 2016
  • Update Date: April 18th, 2020


The Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) was established under the Egyptian Law No. 78 in 1991 by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to act as its official training arm and apply the international best practices in developing the technical and managerial skills of financial service professionals with a vision to be the premier financial services training and research center in Egypt and the surrounding region. Under this Law, the Institute was governed by a Board of Trustees, including the Governor of the CBE and the Institute’s Executive Director.

Egyptian Banking Institute receives up to 0.09M pageviews per day, in countries such as Egypt.

They are headquartered at Cairo, Egypt, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.