College Of The Holy Cross
Founded in 1843 in Worcester, Massachusetts, the College of the Holy Cross is among the nation's leading liberal arts institutions. A highly selective, four-year, exclusively undergraduate college of 2,800 students, Holy Cross is renowned for offering a rigorous, personalized education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. As a liberal arts college, Holy Cross pursues excellence in teaching, learning and research in the arts, humanities, physical sciences and social sciences. As a
1,000 - 5,000
Worcester, MA, United States
College Of The Holy Cross

Founded in 1843 in Worcester, Massachusetts, the College of the Holy Cross is among the nation's leading liberal arts institutions. A highly selective, four-year, exclusively undergraduate college of 2,800 students, Holy Cross is renowned for offering a rigorous, personalized education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition.

As a liberal arts college, Holy Cross pursues excellence in teaching, learning and research in the arts, humanities, physical sciences and social sciences. As a mission-based college, Holy Cross seeks to educate men and women who, as leaders in business, professional, and civic life, live by the highest intellectual and ethical standards, and serve others in their communities, American society, and the wider world.

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  • College of the Holy Cross
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| Social Theorists
  • 50 K Downloads
  • 34 SDKs
  • 4.32 Avg. Rating
  • 196 Total reviews
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: education
  • Bundle ID: com.appypie.appypiecfc01ce924f6
  • App Size: 0
  • Version: 66
  • Release Date: January 13th, 2015


This is the first sociological theory app created for smart phones and tablets. It includes the following:

* Profiles of 37 Social Theorists From A to Z
* Useful Videos Illustrating Various Social Theories
* A Link To The Best Online Theorist Search Engine
* A Built-In Survey To Improve Future Versions

This app is meant to be used as a quick reference for a wide range of social theorists who are important to the discipline of sociology. The profiled theorists include:

Theodor Adorno, Louis Althusser, Jean Baudrillard, Peter Berger, Peter Blau, Herbert Blumer, Pierre Bourdieu, Judith Butler, James Coleman, Patricia Hill Collins, Randall Collins, Auguste Comte, Charles Cooley, Ralf Dahrendorf, W.E.B. Du Bois, Emile Durkheim, Michel Foucault, Anthony Giddens, Erving Goffman, Antonio Gramsci, Jurgen Habermas, George Homans, Max Horkheimer, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Karl Mannheim, Herbert Marcuse, Karl Marx, George Herbert Mead, Robert Merton, C. Wright Mills, Talcott Parsons, George Ritzer, Georg Simmel, William Isaac Thomas, Thorstein Veblen, Immanuel Wallerstein, and Max Weber.

Each profile includes: a quotation, historical context, connections to other theorists, theoretical perspective, theoretical contributions and concepts, a descriptions of his/her major works, criticisms by other theorists, overall assessment of their impact on the field of sociology, further readings, and a list of citations used in researching each theorist.

Designed by The Students of Social Theory

College of the Holy Cross

Worcester, MA

January 2015

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