University Of Portland
The University of Portland was founded in September 1901 by Portland Archbishop Alexander Christie, who had purchased property atop WaudÕs Bluff with financial assistance from the Congregation of Holy Cross in South Bend, Indiana. Archbishop Christie named the school ÒColumbia UniversityÓ after the mighty river that flowed nearby, and when it opened its doors, it was staffed with priests from the archdiocese. Columbia University achieved junior college
1,000 - 5,000
Portland, OR, United States

The University of Portland was founded in September 1901 by Portland Archbishop Alexander Christie, who had purchased property atop WaudÕs Bluff with financial assistance from the Congregation of Holy Cross in South Bend, Indiana. Archbishop Christie named the school ÒColumbia UniversityÓ after the mighty river that flowed nearby, and when it opened its doors, it was staffed with priests from the archdiocese.

Columbia University achieved junior college status in 1922, and in 1925 the College of Arts and Sciences was founded. Four years later the first bachelorÕs degrees were awarded to a class of seven men. In the 1930s, the UniversityÕs name was changed to the University of Portland, the St. Vincent Hospital School of Nursing became part of the University as the College of Nursing, and the School of Business were created. In 1948, the School of Engineering was created. The University established its Graduate School in 1950 and the School of Education in 1962. In 1967 the Congregation of Holy Cross and the UniversityÕs Board of Regents transitioned to a shared governance structure. Today, the University continues to be guided by the Congregation of Holy Cross and governed by an independent board of directors.

The University of Portland is the only school in Oregon to offer a College of Arts & Sciences, a graduate school, and nationally accredited programs in the schools of business, education, engineering, and nursing. In 2013, University of Portland was named one of America's Green Colleges"_ for the fourth consecutive year by The Princeton Review. In 2013, U.S. News and World Report named the University of Portland one of the top ten Western regional universities. The University has been named a top ten regional university for 19 years running. In 2012, the University of Portland ranked first nationwide among masterÕs institutions with the number of students who won Fulbright awards for the third consecutive year, according to The Chronicl..."

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