If you put your interest in social and political science or international relations CC is a place to be!
Collegium Civitas is a modern non-state university located in the heart of Warsaw, the most dynamic capital city of Central and Eastern Europe. Experience and commitment of our founders and faculty members have earned us a reputation of the best place to study international, social and political science in English.
We are entitled to award BA, MA and PhD in a rich variety of programs.
National and international recognition of top quality education!
We have received accreditations from National Accreditation Commission and the University Accreditation Commission at the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities.
We are an official member of many international associations and organizations, e.g. the International Sociological Association, the International Society of Political Psychology, the International Political Science Association.
Collegium Civitas is proud to hold several certificates and awards of quality of education such as:
¥ 1st position in the ranking of ÒWprostÓ weekly seven times;
¥ 1st place in Sociology and Political Studies according to ÒPolitykaÓ weekly;
¥ Top places in the rankings of Polish non-state universities of ÒPerspektywyÓ and ÒRzeczpospolitaÓ;
¥ 4th position amongst Polish Higher Education Institutions in the category of ÔInternationalisationÕ Ð according to ÒPerspektywyÓ Ranking in 2014
¥ Category A in parametric evaluation of the potential of scientific units granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
¥ Title of the Polish University of Leaders (Uczelna Lider—w) granted in all the editions of the National Competitions and Certification Programme ;
¥ 7th place among the non-state universities mostly appreciated by employers acocording to ÒWprostÓ weekly in 2014.
Unique opportunity for our students!
Students have their gate...
- Company Name:Collegium Civitas
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Warsaw, Poland
50 - 200 employees
- 404775 Global Rank
- 8490 Poland
- 107 K Estimated Visits

They are headquartered at Warsaw, Poland, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Collegium Civitas works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net.