IQS is a higher education institution founded by the Society of Jesus, with over one hundred years of experience and is specialized in Science, Engineering and Management. It is located in Barcelona since 1916 and is well recognized by national and international accreditations (AACSB, ABET).
IQS has two university Schools, Engineering and Management that offer Undergraduate, Graduate and PhD programs in the area of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Industrial Engineering, Pharmacy, Management and Marketing. The teaching methodology at IQS is based on combining an intense practical and experimental section with theoretical studies. Direct contact between students and the teaching faculty propels individual development. A method that is backed by several thousand professionals and executives who were trained in classrooms and laboratories of IQS.
In addition, IQS provides professional continuous learning programs (IQS Executive Education), conducts Research and Technology transfer to companies and industries (IQS Tech Transfer) and promotes entrepreneurial culture and new ventures (IQS Tech Factory).
This is IQS:
´ 22.200 m2 teaching area
´ 7.523m2 of laboratories and workshops
´ More than 1.200.000 ó for grants in the last academic year
´ Exchange agreements with 96 International Universities
´ 98% of grants applications approved
´ 100% of students undertake internships in Private Companies
´ More than 200 companies collaborating with the department of Professional Careers
- Company Name:Iqs Barcelona
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Barcelona, Spain
50 - 200 employees
- Middlesex
- 10 SDKs

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Education
- Bundle ID: com.sigma.Encuestas-IQS
- App Size: 8.91 M
- Version: 1.0.4
- Release Date: August 15th, 2014
- Update Date: April 18th, 2020
Amb aquesta aplicació els estudiants d'IQS poden emplenar les enquestes de satisfacció amb el professorat des dels seus dispositius mòbils.
Una vegada t'identifiquis amb el teu usuari i password, apareixeran, si n'hi ha, les enquestes que tens pendents i podràs contestar-les.
Si per a alguna enquesta has emplenat un esborrany amb l'aplicació web, quedarà identificada amb el símbol (www). Si algun professor no t'ha fet classe, podràs fer que l'enquesta desaparegui de la llista, activant o desactivant aquesta possibilitat amb la icona del birret ratllat.
Amb la icona (i), podràs accedir a l'ajuda sobre l'aplicació o contactar amb l'equip d'enquestes.
A cada enquesta podràs ampliar, si ho necessites, les dades identificatives de l'enquesta, consultar el significat de l'escala i comprovar si tens preguntes sense contestar i completar l'enquesta.
- Fins que no enviïs l'enquesta, no es gravarà la resposta en el servidor.
- Si fas "*logout" perdràs les enquestes no enviades i realitzades en el teu mòbil.

They are headquartered at Barcelona, Spain, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Iqs Barcelona works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, AdRoll, adingo, ExactTarget.