Component Distributors, Inc.
Component Distributors, Inc. (CDI) is a value added distributor of electronic components, specializing in high performance wireless, sensor and power technologies for complex system applications. CDI distributes globally and provides local customer service and application support across the Americas. CDI delivers technical solutions that are easy to find and easy to buy, providing customers and supplier partners with design services, web commerce enableme
50 - 200
Denver, CO, United States
Component Distributors, Inc.

Component Distributors, Inc. (CDI) is a value added distributor of electronic components, specializing in high performance wireless, sensor and power technologies for complex system applications. CDI distributes globally and provides local customer service and application support across the Americas. CDI delivers technical solutions that are easy to find and easy to buy, providing customers and supplier partners with design services, web commerce enablement and flexible supply chain solutions. Markets served include communications, computing, industrial, medical, military and consumer electronics.

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They are headquartered at Denver, CO, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Component Distributors, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as Videology, Chango, The Trade Desk, Neustar AdAdvisor, Turn, DoubleClick.Net, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, AppNexus, BlueKai, Resonate Insights, Atlas, DemDex, Dstillery, X Plus One, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Facebook Exchange FBX,, BlueKai DMP, Google Remarketing.