Coverdell is a full-service marketing services company with offices in Atlanta, Chicago and Montreal. In the summer of 2004, Coverdell & Company and Discount Development Services (DDS) integrated into one company, Coverdell, which increased our versatility to allow us to meet the many needs of our customers and clients. Through addressing a full range of customer set needs beyond the limited realm of insurance, Coverdell is able to offer our clients a
50 - 200
Chicago, IL, United States

Coverdell is a full-service marketing services company with offices in Atlanta, Chicago and Montreal. In the summer of 2004, Coverdell & Company and Discount Development Services (DDS) integrated into one company, Coverdell, which increased our versatility to allow us to meet the many needs of our customers and clients. Through addressing a full range of customer set needs beyond the limited realm of insurance, Coverdell is able to offer our clients a broader range of products to meet the needs of our clients. In addition, we also offer insurance and membership benefits to wholesale clients. We continue to expand our business with new products and new clients.

In our insurance marketing activities, Coverdell operates as a third-party marketer and administrator. Our independence from any single carrier not only gives our clients tremendous control over their own programs _ it has also given us broad exposure to the best practices in insurance direct marketing from across the country. This has driven the marketing strategy that generates the highest possible response rates with excellent customer service.

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They are headquartered at Chicago, IL, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.