Health Insurance Innovations Inc (hiiq)
At HIIQ, every day is an opportunity to make new paths. Our team is on a mission to modernize the insurance landscape as we fulfill the roles of both technology resource and third party administrator. As a technology resource, we provide a cloud-based platform that simplifies the application process; enables licensed agents to provide savvy consumers with convenient access to insurance products and lifestyle benefits; and provides consumers with sec
Consumer Services
200 - 500
Tampa, FL, United States
Health Insurance Innovations Inc (hiiq)

At HIIQ, every day is an opportunity to make new paths. Our team is on a mission to modernize the insurance landscape as we fulfill the roles of both technology resource and third party administrator.

As a technology resource, we provide a cloud-based platform that simplifies the application process; enables licensed agents to provide savvy consumers with convenient access to insurance products and lifestyle benefits; and provides consumers with secure digital access to important insurance information.

As a billing administrator, we manage the billing of consumers' policies.

With original products and leading edge tools, carriers can provide unrivaled coverage options and licensed agents can collaborate with their clients to select policies that address a variety of health concerns and fit a variety of budgets.

Read more about our role and the roles of carriers and agents here:

The health insurance products are sold by licensed insurance agents and underwritten by insurance carrier companies. We assume no underwriting, insurance, or reimbursement risk.

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They are headquartered at Tampa, FL, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Health Insurance Innovations Inc (hiiq) works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.