Digital Skills For Africa
Digital Skills For Africa is a Google initiative in conjunction with various training partners, which aims to train young people in digital skills. The future of work is in the online world, a world full of possibilities where you can get everything you set out for. In Digital Skills For Africa you will find free training both face-to-face and online, which will help you to expand knowledge on topics that interest you, information that will allow you to optimize the way you present yourself for a job, and resources to start your own entrepreneurial project.
10 - 50
Leicester, United Kingdom

Digital Skills For Africa is a Google initiative in conjunction with various training partners, which aims to train young people in digital skills.

The future of work is in the online world, a world full of possibilities where you can get everything you set out for. In Digital Skills For Africa you will find free training both face-to-face and online, which will help you to expand knowledge on topics that interest you, information that will allow you to optimize the way you present yourself for a job, and resources to start your own entrepreneurial project.

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  • 5090 Global Rank
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Global Rank 35,616
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Spain Page Views 14.4%
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  • Carthage College
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MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 34 SDKs
  • 3.26 Avg. Rating
  • 5 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Utilities
  • Bundle ID:
  • App Size: 59.5 M
  • Version: 1.5.2
  • Release Date: January 11th, 2017
  • Update Date: May 29th, 2018


Smart Lock for iOS provides enterprise-level and industry-leading security for your Google Account. Use it to sign in to your Google Account on your iOS device if your account is protected by a Security Key (a small device that serves as an additional authentication factor).

Daily Downloads Feb 01 - 28, 2025

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Jul 22, 2017

Ok I guess

I'm stuck at the log in screen it won't let me log in


Apr 26, 2017

Doesn't work with my NFC security key.

Safari prompted me to install this app, even when I have it installed. Talks about some sort of pairing button, which my security key doesn't have!


Apr 21, 2017

Doesn't work with safari?

Google's login page tells me to install this for 2fa. I do. It says I'm all set in the app. Go back to safari and try logging in again and it tells me to install smart lock app. What. I get it. It probably only works for chrome on iOS. But the google login page isn't detecting that I'm not on chrome and sending me down a path of sadness. If you have gmail or google calendar apps on your phone I'm sure this is probably just fine for that, but the in browser login is just broken.


Apr 03, 2017

Simple way to access Google Account on iOS.

This app is very handy. Nice easy way to log into your google account across all Google made apps on iOS. Simple and straight to the point!


Jan 12, 2017

Google Account Manager

Any account management you would perform with your Google accounts can be done with this app. Simple and clean. Even access your saved passwords from the Chrome browser in the app.
LocalAuthentication Fr...
Request authentication from users through passphrases or biometrics.
Core Image
Core Image is an image processing and analysis technology designed to provide near real-time processing for still and video images.
Assets Library Framework
In iOS and OS X, the Photos framework (formerly known as Assets Library framework) provides classes that support building photo editing extensions for the Photos app. In iOS, the Photos framework also provides direct access to the photo and video assets managed by the Photos app, including the iCloud Photo Library. Use this framework to retrieve assets for display and playback, edit their image or video content, or work with collections of assets such as albums, moments, and iCloud Shared Albums.
The AV Foundation framework provides an Objective-C interface for managing and playing audio-visual media in iOS and OS X applications.
CoreBluetooth Framework
The Core Bluetooth framework provides the classes needed for your iOS and Mac apps to communicate with devices that are equipped with Bluetooth low energy wireless technology.
Core Data
Core Foundation Framework
Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves. Core Foundation also provides abstractions for common data types, facilitates internationalization with Unicode string storage, and offers a suite of utilities such as plug-in support, XML property lists, URL resource access, and preferences.
Core Graphics
The Core Graphics framework is based on the Quartz advanced drawing engine. It provides low-level, lightweight 2D rendering with unmatched output fidelity. You use this framework to handle path-based drawing, transformations, color management, offscreen rendering, patterns, gradients and shadings, image data management, image creation, and image masking, as well as PDF document creation, display, and parsing.
Core Location Framework
The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated with a device. The framework uses the available hardware to determine the user’s position and heading. You use the classes and protocols in this framework to configure and schedule the delivery of location and heading events. You can also use it to define geographic regions and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions. In iOS, you can also define a region around a Bluetooth beacon.
Core Telephony Framework
Use the Core Telephony framework to obtain information about a user’s home cellular service provider—that is, the provider with whom the user has an account. Carriers can use this information to write applications that provide services only for their own subscribers. You can also use this framework to obtain information about current cellular calls.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Digital Skills For Africa
Digital Skills For Africa
Digital Skills For Africa
Digital Skills For Africa
Digital Skills For Africa
Digital Skills For Africa
Digital Skills For Africa receives up to 0.04M pageviews per day, in countries such as India, Indonesia, Egypt, Thailand, Bangladesh, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, United States, Iran, Nigeria, Germany.

They are headquartered at Leicester, United Kingdom, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.