Edenred is the world leader in transactional solutions for companies, employees and merchants. Whether delivered via card, mobile app, online platform or paper voucher, all of these solutions mean increased purchasing power for employees, optimized expense management for companies and additional business for affiliated merchants.
Edenred's offer is built around three business lines:
´ Employee benefits (Ticket Restaurant¬, Ticket AlimentaciÑn, Ticket Plus, Nutrisavings, etc.)
´ Fleet and mobility solutions (Ticket Log, Ticket Car, UTA, Ticket Empreserial, etc.)
´ Complementary solutions including corporate payments (Edenred Corporate Payment), incentives and rewards (Ticket Compliments, Ticket Kad_os) and public social programs.
The Group brings together a unique network of 43 million employees, 750,000 companies and public institutions, and 1.4 million affiliated merchants.
Listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange, Edenred operates in 42 countries, with close to 8,000 employees. In 2016, the Group managed almost ó20 billion in transactions, of which 70% were carried out via card, mobile device or the web.
- Company Name:Edenred
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Malakoff, France
Financial Services
5,000 - 10,000 employees
- Agents and Marketers
- Specialty
- Animal and Pet
- 10 SDKs
- 1.72 Avg. Rating
- 153 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/edenred/id553023473
- App Support: https://express.ticket.com.tr/Bize-Ulasin
- Genre: Lifestyle
- Bundle ID: tr.com.edenred.TicketRestaurant
- App Size: 85.4 M
- Version: 5.0.23
- Release Date: August 20th, 2012
- Update Date: April 4th, 2021
Kurumsal hizmetlerde dünya lideri olan Edenred, kurumların etkin bütçe yönetimi için sunduğu yenilikçi çözümlerle çalışanların da alım gücünü artırıyor. Edenred Türkiye’nin Ticket Türkiye uygulaması ile:
• Ticket Restaurant yemek kartınızı kullanabileceğiniz restoran, kafe ve diğer harcama noktalarını; Edenred Araç Çözümü için ise; en yakın akaryakıt ve araç yıkama istasyonunu görüntüleyebilir, sizi seçtiğiniz noktaya ulaştıracak en kısa mesafeyi harita yardımı ile bulabilirsiniz.
• Ticket Restaurant yemek kartınıza ait güncel bakiye bilginizi, harcama ve yükleme işlemlerinizi cebinizden takip edebilirsiniz.
• Akaryakıt çözümü kullanıcısıysanız plakanıza tanımlı olan son harcamalarınızı ve limitlerinizi hatta Araç Yıkama hizmeti için tanımlı haklarınızı cebinizden takip edebilirsiniz.
• Ticket Compliments hediye kuponlarınızı kullanabileceğiniz; bir çok mağaza arasından size en yakın mesafedeki mağazayı ve sizi seçtiğiniz noktaya ulaştıracak en kısa mesafeyi harita yardımı ile bulabilirsiniz.
• Hediye kuponlarınızı kullanabileceğiniz mağazaları filtreleyerek listeleyebilirsiniz.
• Edenred kullanıcılarına özel birçok farklı kategoride sunulan Red Club indirim ve fırsatlarından haberdar olabilirsiniz. Kampanyalarla ilgili detaylı bilgiye ve kampanya koduna cebinizden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Edenred, the leader of the corporate services in the world, increases the purchase power of the employees thanks to the innovative solutions offered for effective budget management of the corporations. Based on the Ticket Turkey application of Edenred Turkey;
• You can display the restaurants, cafeterias and other spending points where you can use your Ticket Restaurant meal card; and the nearest gas station and car wash stations for your Edenred Vehicle Solution and find the shortest route to the point you selected with the help of the map.
• You can follow up from your mobile phone, the current balance, spending and loading transactions of your Ticket Restaurant meal card.
• If you are fuel solution user, you can follow up from your mobile phone, your last spending identified to your license plate and your limits, even your rights for Car Wash service
• With the help of the map, you can find the store that is closest to you among the stores where you can use your Ticket Compliments gift coupons and the shortest route which shall take you to the point you selected
• You can filter and list the stores where you can use your gift coupons.
• You can get information about Red Club discounts and opportunities, which are offered in many categories special for Edenred users. You can get detailed information about the campaigns and the campaign code through your mobile phone.

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By Seymen
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They are headquartered at Malakoff, France, and have 12 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Edenred works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.