Erpflex Software De Gesto
Em 2008, a TI Educacional desenvolveu o software de gestÜo ERPFlex voltado a atender as necessidades de negÑcios das pequenas e m_dias empresas, arquitetado pelo empresàrio Ernesto Haberkorn, referncia em gestÜo e visÜo de negÑcios atrav_s de software de gestÜo (saiba mais). Entre os segmentos que o ERPFlex atende estÜo os de: varejo (lojas, armarinhos e magazines), servios (buffets, escolas, segurana patrimonial, servios e assistncia t_cnica
Computer Software
50 - 200
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Em 2008, a TI Educacional desenvolveu o software de gestÜo ERPFlex voltado a atender as necessidades de negÑcios das pequenas e m_dias empresas, arquitetado pelo empresàrio Ernesto Haberkorn, referncia em gestÜo e visÜo de negÑcios atrav_s de software de gestÜo (saiba mais).

Entre os segmentos que o ERPFlex atende estÜo os de: varejo (lojas, armarinhos e magazines), servios (buffets, escolas, segurana patrimonial, servios e assistncia t_cnica, comunicaÜo e marketing, associaÝes, sindicatos, construÜo civil, representaÝes e distribuidores) e indÏstrias (embalagens, cosm_ticos, quÕmica, agrÕcola, brinquedos, moveleiro e fabril).

O nome ERPFLEX surgiu de uma das nossas principais caracterÕstica, a flexibilidade, que permite com que nossa soluÜo se ad_qÙe as necessidades de cada um dos nossos clientes, sendo pràtica e podendo ser customizada.

Al_m do Software de GestÜo integrado ERPFlex, fornecemos produtos voltados para atender ao seu network, relacionamento com seu cliente e possibilitar perspectiva de crescimento atrav_s de ferramentas como nossa loja virtual (e-commerce), o desenvolvimento de sites e portais com sistemas administrativos, a consultoria de TI e uma equipe capacitada de implantaÜo e suporte.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| ERPFlex
  • 10 SDKs
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  • Genre: business
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  • App Size: 8.72 M
  • Release Date: March 27th, 2020
  • Update Date: March 27th, 2020


O ERPFlex é um sistema de gestão ERP para médias e pequenas empresas que utiliza um mobelo baseado totalmente em cloud computing.

Este aplicativo possui funcionalidades específicas para smartphones e tablets, como consultas gerenciais em tempo real, além de integração com mapas e outros aplicativos.

Android API
The Android platform provides a framework API that applications can use to interact with the underlying Android system. The framework API consists of: A core set of packages and classes. A set of permissions that applications can request, as well as permission enforcements included in the system
Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications
Google Authorization
Google Play services offers a standard authorization flow for all Google APIs and all components of Google Play services. In addition, you can leverage the authorization portion of the Google Play services SDK to gain authorization to services that are not yet supported in the Google Play services platform by using the access token to manually make API requests or using a client library provided by the service provider.
Google Play Game Services
Make your games social with Google Play game services. Add achievements, leaderboards, real-time multiplayer, and other popular features using the Google Play game services SDK. Let players sign in using their Google+ identities and share their gaming experience with friends. Visit for more information about integrating game services into your app.
Google Play Location APIs
The location APIs make it easy for you to build location-aware applications, without needing to focus on the details of the underlying location technology. They also let you minimize power consumption by using all of the capabilities of the device hardware.
Google Play Maps
Allow your users explore the world with rich maps provided by Google. Identify locations with custom markers, augment the map data with image overlays, embed one or more maps as fragments, and much more.
Google Play Services
Google Play services powers a broad set of SDKs on Android to help you build your app, enhance privacy and security, engage users, and grow your business. These SDKs are unique in that they only require a thin client library to be included in your app, as shown in figure 1. At runtime, the client library communicates with the bulk of the SDK's implementation and footprint in Google Play services.
Google Search
Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking. Google Search, or simply Google, is a web search engine developed by Google LLC. It is the most used search engine on the World Wide Web across all platforms, with 92.16% market share as of December 2020
Google Sign-In SDK
Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system that reduces the burden of login for your users, by enabling them to sign in with their Google Account—the same account they already use with Gmail, Play, Google+, and other Google services. Google Sign-In is also your gateway to connecting with Google’s users and services in a secure manner. You can give your users the opportunity to pay with Google Pay, share with their Google-wide contacts, save a file to Drive, add an event to Calendar, and more. Integrate Google’s user-centric APIs and services inside your app to help your users take action and convert.
Square OkHttp3
HTTP is the way modern applications network. It’s how we exchange data & media. Doing HTTP efficiently makes your stuff load faster and saves bandwidth. OkHttp is an HTTP client that’s efficient by default: HTTP/2 support allows all requests to the same host to share a socket. Connection pooling reduces request latency (if HTTP/2 isn’t available). Transparent GZIP shrinks download sizes. Response caching avoids the network completely for repeat requests. OkHttp perseveres when the network is troublesome: it will silently recover from common connection problems. If your service has multiple IP addresses OkHttp will attempt alternate addresses if the first connect fails. This is necessary for IPv4+IPv6 and for services hosted in redundant data centers. OkHttp supports modern TLS features (TLS 1.3, ALPN, certificate pinning). It can be configured to fall back for broad connectivity. Using OkHttp is easy. Its request/response API is designed with fluent builders and immutability. It supports both synchronous blocking calls and async calls with callbacks.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Erpflex Software De Gesto
Erpflex Software De Gesto
Erpflex Software De Gesto
They are headquartered at São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Erpflex Software De Gesto works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Criteo OneTag, AppNexus, Criteo, Openads/OpenX, Index Exchange.