Fine Organics
Fine Organics is a leading producer of specialty additives used in foods, plastics, rubbers, cosmetics, personal care, pharmaceuticals, coatings and textile auxiliaries. Our products are appreciated and accepted globally due to their consistent quality and competitiveness. A technology and customer-driven company, Fine Organics enjoys a privileged position in the specialty additives industry globally. Fine Organics owes its growth and success to its expertise on oleochemistry, in-house manufacturing technology, customer-centric research and development and a techno-commercial mindset. We are proud to have highly qualified technocrats in marketing, production and quality control that provide exceptional support to our customers, suppliers and distributors.
500 - 1,000
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Fine Organics is a leading producer of specialty additives used in foods, plastics, rubbers, cosmetics, personal care, pharmaceuticals, coatings and textile auxiliaries.

Our products are appreciated and accepted globally due to their consistent quality and competitiveness. A technology and customer-driven company, Fine Organics enjoys a privileged position in the specialty additives industry globally. Fine Organics owes its growth and success to its expertise on oleochemistry, in-house manufacturing technology, customer-centric research and development and a techno-commercial mindset. We are proud to have highly qualified technocrats in marketing, production and quality control that provide exceptional support to our customers, suppliers and distributors.

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They are headquartered at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.