Flowserve is one of the world's largest manufacturers of pumps, valves and seals with over 19,000 employees in over 60 countries. Built on more than 50 world-renowned heritage brands, the equity and customer loyalty we have earned over the past 220 years is the foundation of our leadership position across the globe. æ Flowserve's innovations have benefited a range of industries, including oil and gas, power, chemical, water, pharmaceuticals and food processing.æAddressing these industries'_ challenges has made Flowserve a leader in development and application of advanced solutions for our customers.æExperience, leadership and creativity are the tools we use to turn an idea into a solution. æ Continuing to foster this kind of innovation is key to Flowserve's long-term success.æBe a part of a team known for its industry-leading talent, unparalleled portfolio and unmatched commitment to customer success. We invite you to put your talents and experience in motion with Flowserve.æ æ Together, we enable the world.
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
> 10,000
Irving, TX, United States

Flowserve is one of the world's largest manufacturers of pumps, valves and seals with over 19,000 employees in over 60 countries. Built on more than 50 world-renowned heritage brands, the equity and customer loyalty we have earned over the past 220 years is the foundation of our leadership position across the globe.
Flowserve's innovations have benefited a range of industries, including oil and gas, power, chemical, water, pharmaceuticals and food processing.æAddressing these industries'_ challenges has made Flowserve a leader in development and application of advanced solutions for our customers.æExperience, leadership and creativity are the tools we use to turn an idea into a solution.
Continuing to foster this kind of innovation is key to Flowserve's long-term success.æBe a part of a team known for its industry-leading talent, unparalleled portfolio and unmatched commitment to customer success. We invite you to put your talents and experience in motion with Flowserve.æ
Together, we enable the world.

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United States Page Views 67.1%
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  • Industrial Goods and Services
  • Fluid and Gas Control
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They are headquartered at Irving, TX, United States, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Flowserve works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.