Merichem Company
Merichem Company (ñMerichemî) is a global partner serving the oil and gas industries with focused technology, chemical, and service solutions. Merichem provides the Oil and Gas industry with critical proprietary impurity removal processes to increase the quality of Refinery Products and Gas streams. Merichem beneficially re-uses spent caustics and other byproducts produced by oil refining and petrochemical plants around the globe. We are also one of the leading suppliers of naphthenic acid and its derivatives in the world. Merichem Process Technologies has been providing key proprietary refinery product improvement technologies, many based on the FIBER-FILM¬ technology for over 35 years. They also provide proprietary solutions for the removal of H2S and other impurities from a wide range of gas applications. Merichem Caustic Services provides beneficial reuse options for refinery caustics including the production of naphthenic acids. Merichem Company has been involved with refinery caustics for almost all of its history.
Oil & Energy
200 - 500
Houston, TX, United States

Merichem Company (ñMerichemî) is a global partner serving the oil and gas industries with focused technology, chemical, and service solutions. Merichem provides the Oil and Gas industry with critical proprietary impurity removal processes to increase the quality of Refinery Products and Gas streams. Merichem beneficially re-uses spent caustics and other byproducts produced by oil refining and petrochemical plants around the globe.

We are also one of the leading suppliers of naphthenic acid and its derivatives in the world. Merichem Process Technologies has been providing key proprietary refinery product improvement technologies, many based on the FIBER-FILM¬ technology for over 35 years. They also provide proprietary solutions for the removal of H2S and other impurities from a wide range of gas applications. Merichem Caustic Services provides beneficial reuse options for refinery caustics including the production of naphthenic acids. Merichem Company has been involved with refinery caustics for almost all of its history.

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They are headquartered at Houston, TX, United States, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Merichem Company works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, LinkedIn Ads, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Perfect Audience, AdBlock Acceptable Ads.