Flybits is a context-as-a-service product that simplifies how enterprises convert data into intelligence. Flybits lets you harness all sources of data „ proprietary, public, from device sensors and real time user behavior „ to deliver personalized mobile experiences. We take care of unifying different data structures so that you can focus on customer engagement, without worrying about the cost of building and maintaining your IT infrastructure. The Experience Studio, o
Computer Software
50 - 200
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Flybits is a context-as-a-service product that simplifies how enterprises convert data into intelligence. Flybits lets you harness all sources of data „ proprietary, public, from device sensors and real time user behavior „ to deliver personalized mobile experiences. We take care of unifying different data structures so that you can focus on customer engagement, without worrying about the cost of building and maintaining your IT infrastructure. The Experience Studio, our intuitive drag-and-drop dashboard, gives you the ability deliver the right content, to the right consumer, at the right time, in real time. For more information, please visit and follow us at @flybitsinc.

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| Flybits
  • 10 SDKs
  • 1.77 Avg. Rating
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  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Travel
  • Bundle ID: com.flybits.ottawa
  • Version: 1.1.0
  • Release Date: September 20th, 2013
  • Update Date: August 15th, 2014


Ottawa Nav is a first of its kind connected city platform allowing real time, zone based communication between the City of Ottawa and its citizens. This platform is managed using an administrative console controlled directly by City of Ottawa employees.

With a current emphasis on traffic, you get live camera, road and traffic information from a 2.5 or up to 100 kilometre radius, depending on your distance of travel. A unique zone centric navigation mode further helps in passing on information while on the go.

With zones, the City of Ottawa has turned every area to a smart space, catered to finding information easily, personally and instantly. For example:

At Parliament Hill? Check out their zone to see when they're open, history about our country, and exciting events going on.
Near one of our great museums? Check out their zone to access their apps, opening times, and interesting exhibits.
In a city zone? Check out traffic cameras and events, plus other services such as OC Transpo and Pay by cell relevant to the zone you’re in.

Look forward to more zones being created around the city.

Ottawa Nav is an all Canadian connected city partnership is made possible using the award winning Flybits technology in collaboration with the City of Ottawa and Ryerson University.

Thank you for choosing Ottawa Nav. It is a central information hub for everyone in our great city. For support and feedback, please contact us at

Stay tuned for new and exciting features in the future.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

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Reviews (Newest First)


Mar 23, 2016

Useless without live feeds

It's nighttime and the cameras show daylight. And snow, most of that has melted. Please resume live feeds


Feb 11, 2016


What's the point of this app? It looks like something that a couple of students put together in their spare time. It's very confusing and pointless.


Dec 30, 2015

Not working

Gives error, does not open


Jul 09, 2015

Cameras are not live

It's day time, cams showing a night view One camera is dated January App crashes a lot. Also when adding camera to favourites would be nice if it doesn't show twice in the list of all cameras


Sep 22, 2014

Appreciate awareness of what is around me

Like the new trip planner!


Sep 22, 2014

Used it on vacation

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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Flybits receives up to 0.02M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Flybits works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Bizo, LinkedIn Ads.