Frameworks Institute
The mission of the FrameWorks Institute is to advance the nonprofit sector's communications capacity by conducting and translating empirical research on framing the public discourse about a variety of social problems Ð from race to health to early childhood development to budgets and taxes. As part of its ÒField BuildingÓ work, the Institute designs and conducts a variety of curricula and learning engagements to advance social issues communications. Our work is designed to engage coalitions of social policy advocates, analysts and experts in a series of communications sessions based on FrameWorks'_ approach to communications for social change. The uniqueness of the Institute is in its focus on both research and teaching. Our research team conducts original empirical research on frame effects and our field building team translate those research findings into learning experiences, tools and products that help front-line advocates advance broad public understanding of social problems and improve support for policy.
10 - 50
Potomac, MD, United States

The mission of the FrameWorks Institute is to advance the nonprofit sector's communications capacity by conducting and translating empirical research on framing the public discourse about a variety of social problems Ð from race to health to early childhood development to budgets and taxes. As part of its ÒField BuildingÓ work, the Institute designs and conducts a variety of curricula and learning engagements to advance social issues communications. Our work is designed to engage coalitions of social policy advocates, analysts and experts in a series of communications sessions based on FrameWorks'_ approach to communications for social change. The uniqueness of the Institute is in its focus on both research and teaching. Our research team conducts original empirical research on frame effects and our field building team translate those research findings into learning experiences, tools and products that help front-line advocates advance broad public understanding of social problems and improve support for policy.

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