Pittsburgh | Chicago | Springfield Our mission is simple. Bring together a group of seasoned professionals who have worked at the very highest levels. Create an organization that is smarter, leaner, faster, and above all, incredibly passionate. Exert that passion towards positioning our clients'_ brands to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. We work with one goal in mind: to get results. Our approach is fueled by an obsessive pursuit of knowledge that clearly d
Marketing and Advertising
50 - 200
Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Pittsburgh | Chicago | Springfield

Our mission is simple.

Bring together a group of seasoned professionals who have worked at the very highest levels. Create an organization that is smarter, leaner, faster, and above all, incredibly passionate. Exert that passion towards positioning our clients'_ brands to succeed in today's competitive marketplace.

We work with one goal in mind: to get results. Our approach is fueled by an obsessive pursuit of knowledge that clearly distills consumer insights, category research, and competitive data into a tangible, differentiating and powerful brand message. We establish a strategic foundation from which we build impactful ideas that uniquely magnify your brand to the audiences that matter the most. Today more than ever, these audiences are being bombarded by an enormous and ever-increasing amount of messages. Is yours really being heard? Let us help get your story told.

About Gatesman:
Gatesman is one of the fastest-growing, mid-size, privately owned agencies in the U.S. With offices in Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Springfield, MO, Gatesman is a fully integrated, independent marketing communications agency with expertise in strategy/branding, advertising, digital, analytics, public relations, social media, media planning and buying. Gatesman is a partner in AMIN Worldwide, an alliance of over 50 independent marketing agencies, and IPREX, a global communications network. Gatesman acquired Quest Fore in 2014 and Noble Communications in 2017.

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They are headquartered at Pittsburgh, PA, United States, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Gatesman works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, LinkedIn Ads, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Bizo.