GLOBE _ The Creative Energy Company - La compagnie dÍ_nergie cr_ative
We are a young, dynamic and creative group of individuals working together in the design, development and manufacture of innovative lighting and electrical products. In our uniquely open studio environment, we aim to inspire innovation and imagination from every single team member. Our commitment is to our consumers, partners, associates, and our product.
Every day we strive to develop and sustain the creative energy that has kept us going for nearly 85 years.
ñ At Globe, our creative energy is a driving force leading us towards innovation and long term growth. With each new step we take, we readily let go of outdated thinking and shift towards a brighter, leaner, efficient, and ultimately more sustainable future- socially, environmentally, and economicallyî
- Edward Weinstein, CEO
Nous sommes un groupe jeune, dynamique et cr_atif qui travaille ensemble ö la conception, au d_veloppement et ö la fabrication de produits d'_clairage et _lectriques innovants. Dans notre environnement de studio ouvert, nous visons ö inspirer l'innovation et l'imagination de tous les membres de notre _quipe. Notre engagement est envers nos consommateurs, partenaires, associ_s, et nos produits. Chaque jour, nous nous efforons de d_velopper et de maintenir l'_nergie cr_ative qui nous a soutenue pour plus de 80 ann_es.
‚ Chez Globe, nous croyons que notre _nergie cr_ative est une force motrice qui nous conduit vers l'innovation et la croissance ö long terme. Avec chaque nouvelle _tape que nous franchissons, nous laissons tomber les anciennes manires afin de s'orienter vers un avenir brillant, all_g_e, efficace et ultimement un avenir durable - socialement, _cologiquement et _conomiquement é
-Edward Weinstein, PDG
- Company Name:Globe Electric
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Consumer Goods
50 - 200 employees
- 519611 Global Rank
- 24960 Canada
- 115 K Estimated Visits

- United States 95.8%
- Specialty Travel
- Budget
- Auctions and Bids
- 10 SDKs
- 4.21 Avg. Rating

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Lifestyle
- Bundle ID: com.globe.electric
- App Size: 177 M
- Version: 3.7
- Release Date: August 4th, 2018
- Update Date: January 27th, 2021
Globe Electric – The Creative Energy Company® since 1932.
Having a Smart home has never been so easy! Simply download the Globe Suite™ APP to get started.
The Globe Suite™ APP is a complete smart home control system that connects your Globe Suite™ smart LED bulbs, smart plugs, smart cameras, smart sensors, and much more all under one roof.
(No Hub Required)
Configure, monitor and control an infinite number of Globe smart devices in one user-friendly application, right from your phone, anywhere in the world. Paired with your Amazon Alexa or Google Home, our smart devices can be quickly programmed to respond to voice control.
Through the Globe Suite™ application, instruct your Globe smart products to activate according to a variety of variables including temperature, weather and time of day. Share device control with your family members and receive real-time alerts to ensure the highest level of efficiency, interactivity, control and safety for your home.

They are headquartered at Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Globe Electric works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google Adsense for Domains, AdBlock Acceptable Ads.