Goodfood is a Canadian dinner subscription service delivering fresh ingredients that make it easy for our members to prepare delicious meals at home every week. They select their favourite recipes from a collection of eleven original dishes, we prepare their personalized box of ingredients and deliver it to their doorstep with easy step-by-step instructions. By letting us meal plan and shop for them, we take the hassle out of cooking, leaving our members with the fun part - cooking, sharing with your family and eating! Best of all, our food is higher-quality than what's sitting on supermarket shelves, and cost-efficient with pre-proportioned ingredients - so nothing goes to waste.
Goodfood est un service d'abonnement Canadien de repas offrant des produits frais et qui facilitent la prŽparation de dŽlicieux repas ˆ la maison chaque semaine. Nos membres sŽlectionnent leurs recettes prŽfŽrŽes ˆ partir d'une collection de onze plats originaux, nous prŽparons leur bo”te personnalisŽe d'ingrŽdients et la livrons ˆ leur porte avec des instructions simples, Žtape par Žtape. En nous laissant planifier les repas et magasiner pour eux, nous enlevons tous tracas de cette corvŽe, laissant uniquement la partie la plus amusante - cuisiner, partager avec votre famille et manger! De plus, notre nourriture est de meilleure qualitŽ que ce qui se trouve sur les tablettes des supermarchŽs, pour moins cher, avec des ingrŽdients prŽ-proportionnŽs - donc aucun gaspillage.
- Company Name:Goodfood Market
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada
Food & Beverages
- 28204 Global Rank
- 683 Canada
- 1.49 M Estimated Visits

- Canada 93.8%
- United States 4.3%
- Strength Sports

They are headquartered at Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Goodfood Market works with Advertising technology companies such as AdRoll, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Taboola, Twitter Ads, The Trade Desk, Drawbridge, Microsoft Advertising, Snap Pixel.