Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Inc.
Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to offering you and your family the best in medical, dental, and behavioral healthcare. Since 1970, GPHA has been a champion of compassionate and affordable healthcare for families throughout the Delaware Valley. Since our founding, we have grown to be one of the largest and most effective providers of healthcare in the community -- serving over 85,000 patients. Our healthcare professionals are among the best in their field, offering services ranging from prenatal care to geriatrics. More importantly, they care. They care about you, your family and our community.
Hospital & Health Care
500 - 1,000
Philadelphia, PA, United States

Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to offering you and your family the best in medical, dental, and behavioral healthcare.

Since 1970, GPHA has been a champion of compassionate and affordable healthcare for families throughout the Delaware Valley. Since our founding, we have grown to be one of the largest and most effective providers of healthcare in the community -- serving over 85,000 patients.

Our healthcare professionals are among the best in their field, offering services ranging from prenatal care to geriatrics. More importantly, they care. They care about you, your family and our community.

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They are headquartered at Philadelphia, PA, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.