Groupe Atlantic
Thermal comfort, which is essential to our well-being, has become a major social issue through the need to balance our financial, environmental, and health concerns. Within GROUPE ATLANTIC, we are committed to implementing the best possible solutions for controlling the temperatureof domestic hot water and indoor air and their quality on a daily basis: heating (programmable radiators, commercial and industrial boilers, heat pumps and hybrid solutions), domestic hot water (electric, solar and heat pump water heaters), air conditioning and ventilation. We are interested in all energies with proven medium or long-term worth (gas, electricity, fuel oil, aerothermal systems, geothermal systems, solar, etc.) GROUPE ATLANTIC is committed to an innovative approach with the aim of bringing greater comfort and economy to its customers, and all this while respecting the environment. The Group invests 4% of its turnover in researching and developing new products. Market leader in France and among the top players in Europe, GROUPE ATLANTIC has: ´ 6,500 employees ´ 1,5 billionó turnover ´ 19 manufacturing sites, including 10 in France OUR BRANDS : Atlantic, Thermor, Sauter, Ygnis, Atlantic Guillot, Lazzarini, Hamworthy OUR MISSION: To transform prevailing energies into lasting well-being, by creating thermal comfort solutions that are ecologically efficient, accessible to all and suited to individual needs."_"
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
5,000 - 10,000
La Roche-Sur- Yon, France

Thermal comfort, which is essential to our well-being, has become a major social issue through the need to balance our financial, environmental, and health concerns.

Within GROUPE ATLANTIC, we are committed to implementing the best possible solutions for controlling the temperatureof domestic hot water and indoor air and their quality on a daily basis:
heating (programmable radiators, commercial and industrial boilers, heat pumps and hybrid solutions), domestic hot water (electric, solar and heat pump water heaters), air conditioning and ventilation.

We are interested in all energies with proven medium or long-term worth (gas, electricity, fuel oil, aerothermal systems, geothermal systems, solar, etc.)

GROUPE ATLANTIC is committed to an innovative approach with the aim of bringing greater comfort and economy to its customers, and all this while respecting the environment. The Group invests 4% of its turnover in researching and developing new products.

Market leader in France and among the top players in Europe, GROUPE ATLANTIC has:
´ 6,500 employees
´ 1,5 billionó turnover
´ 19 manufacturing sites, including 10 in France

OUR BRANDS : Atlantic, Thermor, Sauter, Ygnis, Atlantic Guillot, Lazzarini, Hamworthy

OUR MISSION: To transform prevailing energies into lasting well-being, by creating thermal comfort solutions that are ecologically efficient, accessible to all and suited to individual needs."_"

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  • 7 SDKs
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  • App Url:
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  • Genre: business
  • Bundle ID: com.kya.atlantic
  • App Size: 37.7 M
  • Version: 2
  • Release Date: October 1st, 2013
  • Update Date: October 1st, 2013


Vous êtes installateur professionnel et cherchez à remplacer les anciens convecteurs de vos clients par de nouveaux radiateurs électriques, plus performants et plus économiques ?

Atlantic met à votre disposition cette application dans le cadre de son opération "Prime à la Casse par Atlantic".

L’application “Prime à la Casse”, spécialement destinée aux installateurs professionnels, intègre 2 moteurs de calcul :
• Recommandation produits : déterminez les radiateurs électriques de la gamme Atlantic adaptés aux attentes de vos clients, en fonction de leurs priorités en matière de confort.
• Dimensionnement : définissez la puissance à installer chez vos clients en fonction de la superficie et des caractéristiques de l’habitat (zone géographique, altitude, année de construction, nombre et taille des pièces à équiper).

Grâce à l’historique des calculs effectués, retrouvez à tout moment les simulations faites pour vos clients !

Vous disposez également des fiches techniques et des visuels des produits afin de présenter à vos clients chaque solution de façon complète et détaillée.

Les modalités de l'opération "Prime à la casse par Atlantic" y sont également détaillées.

Avec l’application "Prime à la Casse", gardez en permanence à portée de mains un outil simple pour préconiser des radiateurs électriques Atlantic en remplacement de vieux convecteurs.

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They are headquartered at La Roche-Sur- Yon, France, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Groupe Atlantic works with Advertising technology companies such as ExactTarget.