We heat, cool, power and we clean Welcome to Thermax - an engineering company providing sustainable solutions in energy and environment. The companyÍs vision for the future is firmly anchored in the belief that to stay competitive, companies need to adopt sustainable development practices. The systems, products and services developed by Thermax help industry achieve better resource productivity and improve bottom lines, while maintaining a cl
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

We heat, cool, power and we clean

Welcome to Thermax - an engineering company providing sustainable solutions in energy and environment. The companyÍs vision for the future is firmly anchored in the belief that to stay competitive, companies need to adopt sustainable development practices.

The systems, products and services developed by Thermax help industry achieve better resource productivity and improve bottom lines, while maintaining a cleaner environment. Even as we convert costs to profits, we help to protect the environment in our own limited ways. A win-win for industry and the society at large.
ThermaxÍs business portfolio includes products for heating, cooling, water and waste management, and specialty chemicals. The company also designs, builds and commissions large boilers for steam and power generation, turnkey power plants, industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants, waste heat recovery systems and air pollution control projects.

Systems to match wide-spectrum fuels

Operating on a wide range of fuels, including biomass and waste from industrial processes, Thermax heating systems help customers achieve higher levels of energy efficiency. Its eco-friendly vapour absorption chillers work on heat from any source and replace power guzzling cooling equipment.
Thermax also integrates its expertise in diverse areas to create combined heating, power and cooling solutions.

The Thermax presence

ThermaxÍs solutions reach clients in 75 countries across Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East, Europe, CIS countries, USA and South America. Its business operations are supported by 19 international offices, sales and service teams, a network of Thermax Channel Associates, a robust and innovative R&D setup, and 11 world class facilities _ seven of which are in India, two in Denmark, one each in China and Germany _ that
manufacture to stringent international codes.

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