Hg Data
HG Data uses advanced data science to provide B2B companies a better way to analyze markets and target prospects to achieve remarkable results in their marketing and sales programs. We offer the most comprehensive technographics in the industry, indexing billions of unstructured documents each day _ including B2B social media, case studies, press releases, blog postings, government documents, content libraries, technical support forums, website source
Information Technology and Services
50 - 200
Santa Barbara, CA, United States

HG Data uses advanced data science to provide B2B companies a better way to analyze markets and target prospects to achieve remarkable results in their marketing and sales programs. We offer the most comprehensive technographics in the industry, indexing billions of unstructured documents each day _ including B2B social media, case studies, press releases, blog postings, government documents, content libraries, technical support forums, website source code, job postings and much more _ to produce a detailed census of the technologies companies use to run their business. This is powerful information you can put to use immediately to out-market, out-sell and outgrow your competition.

Welcome to the Holy Grail of Market Intelligence.

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  • Español
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  • Marketing en Internet
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Hg Data
Hg Data receives up to 0.2M pageviews per day, in countries such as India, United States.

They are headquartered at Santa Barbara, CA, United States, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Hg Data works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, MarketGID, AcuityAds, eXelate, Facebook Exchange FBX, TripleLift, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, AppNexus, Openads/OpenX, Yahoo Small Business, Sekindo, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, SpotXchange, Index Exchange, Nexage, DemDex, IponWeb BidSwitch, BlueKai DMP, BlueKai, Media Innovation Group, Advertising.com, Yahoo Ad Sync, Facebook Custom Audiences, Teads, Rocket Fuel, X Plus One, Tapad, Taboola, Media.net.