Saleschoice Inc.
SalesChoice makes the world of sales smarter by helping sales professionals See More to Sell more, using advanced analytics. We solve these use cases up to 95% predictive accuracy using AI and ML methods: * Improving Sales Forecasting -up to 95% predictive accuracy, * Prioritizing all your sales cycles (opportunities) into the best priorities to focus on the Top Ops and stop chasing the Duds * Increasing your Lead Capacity by providing you with rich new cu
Computer Software
10 - 50
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Saleschoice Inc.

SalesChoice makes the world of sales smarter by helping sales professionals See More to Sell more, using advanced analytics. We solve these use cases up to 95% predictive accuracy using AI and ML methods:

* Improving Sales Forecasting -up to 95% predictive accuracy,
* Prioritizing all your sales cycles (opportunities) into the best priorities to focus on the Top Ops and stop chasing the Duds
* Increasing your Lead Capacity by providing you with rich new customer prospects using Propensity to Purchase approaches
* analyzing complex data sets using data science techniques to predict outcomes

SalesChoice helps companies improve their sales profitability and business performance by using advanced AI/ML predictive and prescriptive analytic methods and can help all clients using SalesForce solutions.

We are very easy to use, and have proven case studies in global brands (Fortune 500 companies) as well as mid market B2B clients profiled on our website. We are most successful in markets like: Professional Services, Communications and High Tech, and are very interested in B2B Channels in FSI markets.

We reliably can predict your future sales outcomes up to 95% predictive accuracy, or more on large data sets for B2B sales forces from mid to large companies.

We deliver to sales management and sales reps accurate sales predictions and identify positive and negative growth indicators impacting win rates.

Our insights from our predictions will help your organization improve sales performance practices in order to improve your top line revenue results - all with a predictive eye"_ to give your company a unique competitive edge.

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Saleschoice Inc. receives up to 0.05M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Saleschoice Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, RemarketStats, ClickCertain, IntentIQ, The Trade Desk, Tapad.