Tio is a private University of Applied Sciences and offers highly acclaimed bachelor courses in hotel, event management, business, e-commerce, marketing and tourism, which have received outstanding reviews from students as well as from external experts.
Tio offers high quality education based on an unique concept: education in a small-scale environment, with personal attention for every student. The Higher Education Guide 2016 rated Tio the Best University of Applied Sciences (small size) in the Netherlands. In addition, according to the Higher Education Guide 2017 Tio is home to the most highly rated hotel school (HEM), tourism bachelor course (ITM), business bachelor course (IBM) and bachelor course Business Administration (EMS).
TioÕs personal approach facilitates accelerated learning. The study programme is intense and contains many contact hours. This allows students to obtain a bachelorÕs degree in just three years. Tio is a university that has high ambitions and demands a lot of commitment and dedication from their students.
Acting as a private University of Applied Sciences it means that Tio is not publicly or state funded by the Dutch government. Tio is, however, fully recognised by the Dutch government and accredited by the NVAO (Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation). Government recognition means that (Dutch) students can obtain government grants and support loans.
DUOÕs student finance makes a bachelor course at Tio affordable to all Dutch and EU-students. Moreover, studying at Tio is a good investment in your future.
- Company Name:Hogeschool Tio
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Utrecht, Netherlands
- 374448 Global Rank
- 8114 Netherlands
- 86.5 K Estimated Visits

- 10 SDKs
- 5 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/hogeschool-tio/id583328052
- App Support: https://www.tio.nl/appSupport/
- Genre: Education
- Bundle ID: nl.tio.app1
- App Size: 5.44 M
- Version: 13.0.0
- Update Date: December 18th, 2017
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