Hogeschool Van Amsterdam
The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences/Hogeschool van Amsterdam (AUAS/HvA) is based in The Netherlands, in the city of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a cosmopolitan city where 175 different nationalities live and work together and where the English language is largely spoken. The city is a hotbed of education and research in all conceivable areas: culture and society, trade, logistics, aviation, shipping, ICT, sport, healthcare, education and much more. At AUAS/HvA we take full advantage of this wealth of opportunities in order to provide the best possible education and produce cutting-edge research. The business sector needs graduates who have both intercultural and international (work/study) experience. For this reason AUAS/HvA ensures that internationalisation is integrally embedded in our educational programmes and the research activities of our schools. The AUAS/HvA trains the professionals of tomorrow. Practical orientated research is an important component of the educational programmes offered by our schools. Our research always addresses a real-life world problem from the professional field, and we conduct the research in close collaboration with both academics and professionals working in the particular discipline. We have a joint Executive Board with the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and our close cooperation with the UvA is particularly valuable for research purposes. The AUAS/HvA consists of seven schools. We have a total of 43,000 students and offer a total of 80 bachelor and master programmes. We have 250 partner institutes across 50 different countries and contribute to various educational projects such as curriculum development, research projects, student/lecturer exchanges and work placements within an international working field. This ensures that the education provided by AUAS/HvA is truly internationally orientated.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences/Hogeschool van Amsterdam (AUAS/HvA) is based in The Netherlands, in the city of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a cosmopolitan city where 175 different nationalities live and work together and where the English language is largely spoken. The city is a hotbed of education and research in all conceivable areas: culture and society, trade, logistics, aviation, shipping, ICT, sport, healthcare, education and much more. At AUAS/HvA we take full advantage of this wealth of opportunities in order to provide the best possible education and produce cutting-edge research.

The business sector needs graduates who have both intercultural and international (work/study) experience. For this reason AUAS/HvA ensures that internationalisation is integrally embedded in our educational programmes and the research activities of our schools.

The AUAS/HvA trains the professionals of tomorrow. Practical orientated research is an important component of the educational programmes offered by our schools. Our research always addresses a real-life world problem from the professional field, and we conduct the research in close collaboration with both academics and professionals working in the particular discipline. We have a joint Executive Board with the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and our close cooperation with the UvA is particularly valuable for research purposes.

The AUAS/HvA consists of seven schools. We have a total of 43,000 students and offer a total of 80 bachelor and master programmes.

We have 250 partner institutes across 50 different countries and contribute to various educational projects such as curriculum development, research projects, student/lecturer exchanges and work placements within an international working field. This ensures that the education provided by AUAS/HvA is truly internationally orientated.

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  • 32242 Global Rank
  • 398
  • 2.08 M Estimated Visits
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Global Rank 42,226
Netherlands Rank 306
Netherlands Page Views 97.9%
Top Countries
Top Search Keywords
  • Nederlands
  • Hogescholen
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 0 SDKs
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/hva-1/id1152974393
  • App Support: http://www.hva.nl/onderzoek/samenwerken/hva-in-de-stad/item/kijk-een-gezonde-wijk.html
  • Genre: Utilities
  • Bundle ID: com.hva.kijk
  • Version: 1.3.1
  • Release Date: September 12th, 2016
  • Update Date: May 10th, 2017


Met de Kijk! Een gezonde wijk app kunnen de gebruikers data verzamelen over de gezondheid van hun wijk. Door middel van het verzamelen van verschillende indicatoren die samen met de buurtbewoners van Slotermeer zijn vastgesteld kunnen gebruikers van de app actief bijdragen aan een gezondere wijk. Dit kan door op een speurtocht door de wijk te gaan of het direct melden van een indicator in de wijk.

Het project Kijk! Een gezonde wijk (WAtsAP) sluit goed aan bij de trend dat mensen steeds meer en beter in staat zijn hun eigen milieu en gezondheid te meten (“Citizen Science”). Het RIVM en de Hogeschool van Amsterdam coördineren het project en het wordt uitgevoerd in samenwerking met de GGD Amsterdam, Amsterdam Economic Board (AEB), Stichting Eigenwijks, Stadsdeel Nieuw-West, Stichting Wijkadvies en Vereniging van Milieukundigen (VVM). Het project worden gefinancierd door het RIVM, Fieldlab Nieuw West, Hogeschool van Amsterdam en een RAAK-Publieksubsidie van Regieorgaan SIA.

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Hogeschool Van Amsterdam
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