Hollister Incorporated
Hollister Incorporated is an independent, employee-owned company that develops, manufactures, and markets healthcare products and services worldwide. Our Mission is to make life more rewarding and dignified for people who use our products and services. Throughout the company, there is recognition that Hollister is unique, not only as an independent, employee-owned company but also in its Mission and its commitment to the principles on which the compan
Medical Devices
1,000 - 5,000
Libertyville, IL, United States

Hollister Incorporated is an independent, employee-owned company that develops, manufactures, and markets healthcare products and services worldwide. Our Mission is to make life more rewarding and dignified for people who use our products and services. Throughout the company, there is recognition that Hollister is unique, not only as an independent, employee-owned company but also in its Mission and its commitment to the principles on which the company was founded.

Through a shared affirmation that every human being has dignity and intrinsic value, the focal point of everything we do at Hollister is people. At Hollister, we realize that each person who uses our products and services is on a distinct, and often challenging, life journey. In every aspect of what we do, the overriding goal and commitment is to make a difference in that journey.

The principle of Dignity means that we respect all people, independent of the work they do, their age, their color, their gender, or their nationality.

Integrity is at the heart of how we do business at Hollister, and throughout the company, there is an unwavering conviction that the ethical way is the only way to conduct our business.

The principle of Service, to our customers and to each other, inspires us to strive for unconditional customer satisfaction; serving with humility, compassion, and perseverance.

The principle of Stewardship inspires Hollister Associates to act as guardians of the company _ ensuring that Hollister will continue to be independent, employee-owned, and faithful to its Mission of making a sustained and meaningful difference in the lives of people around the world.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Hollister Fit Indicator Tool
  • 10 SDKs
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/hollister-incorporated/id1171918594
  • App Support: http://www.hollister.com/contactuspage
  • Genre: Medical
  • Bundle ID: com.hollister.hollisteredu
  • App Size: 20.7 M
  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Release Date: January 17th, 2017
  • Update Date: April 13th, 2020


Developed with an international panel of experienced stoma care nurses, this tool has been designed to provide a simple patient assessment methodology to determine the need for a flat or convex barrier. The tool was created to assist both the experienced and novice clinician.

Fit is a critical element in the world of ostomy care. A good seal around the stoma helps prevent leakage; a factor that can directly impact skin health. For many people with ostomies, achieving a good fit around the stoma can be challenging.

Simple questions with multiple-choice answers to assess stoma type, body condition and more, guide you through the patient assessment.

You will have access to images within the tool to help guide your answers, as well as a full image library to reference at any time.

The tool will quickly tally your answers and determine if your patient requires a barrier with or without convextity. You will also have a summary of your answers and are able to view and download the full report for future reference.

For several decades, convex ostomy products have often been utilized to help improve patient outcomes, but a simple patient assessment methodology to determine its need has been lacking. Now you have the supportive evidence you need when making barrier-type decisions.

Hollister Education is your trusted source for innovative educational solutions that support the expert care you provide. You can rely on evidence-based, current, and accurate information.

Hollister Incorporated would like to acknowledge the Convexity Advisory Board who authored the FIT(Fit Indicator Tool):
• Sandrine Diallo, RN, ET, Private Community Practitioner, Cagnes, France
• Colleen Drolshagen, RN, CNS, CWOCN, Cadence Health, Winfield, IL USA
• Juliette Fulham, BSc, SCN, RGN, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, England
• Jo Hoeflok, RN(EC), BSN, MA, CETN(CN), CGN(C), St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada
• Julia Kittscha, RN, BHSc, STN, MN (Research), Wollongong Hospital, New South Wales, Australia
• Mariló Ruiz, RN, ET, Hospital Valme, Seville, Spain
• Joy Boarini, BSN, MSN, WOC Nurse, Hollister Incorporated, Libertyville, IL USA
• Diane Owen, BSN, MBA, Hollister Incorporated, Libertyville, IL USA
• Paris Purnell, RN, STN, Hollister Incorporated, Victoria, Australia

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