I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Over the past 12 years, I Will Teach You To Be Rich has quietly become one of the leaders in online education and self development. Over 1 million millennials read us every month for advice on money, entrepreneurship, careers, relationships, health and fitness, and food. We've been featured in most major media, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, NPR, ABC News, PBS, Fox Business and CNBC. Ramit Sethi, our founder, has also been profiled in Forbes
50 - 200
San Francisco, CA, United States

Over the past 12 years, I Will Teach You To Be Rich has quietly become one of the leaders in online education and self development. Over 1 million millennials read us every month for advice on money, entrepreneurship, careers, relationships, health and fitness, and food. We've been featured in most major media, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, NPR, ABC News, PBS, Fox Business and CNBC. Ramit Sethi, our founder, has also been profiled in Forbes Magazine, right next to Warren Buffet!

Our goal is to help millions of people live richer, more fulfilling lives. And it takes an entire team committed to something bigger than themselves to make that kind of impact. At IWT, we believe in working together to change peopleÍs lives.

Our culture is built on thinking differently, working hard, investing in ourselves, and having fun.

We love knowing that the work we do immediately translates into real results.

We help our students save money, start amazing businesses, find their dream jobs, get into the best shape of their lives, make new friends, and more.

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  • 9 SDKs
  • 8 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/i-will-teach-you-to-be-rich-1/id583617380
  • App Support: https://twitter.com/negotiateit
  • Genre: Finance
  • Bundle ID: com.iwillteachyoutoberich.NegotiateItFree
  • App Size: 7.41 M
  • Version: 1.3
  • Release Date: December 18th, 2012
  • Update Date: December 18th, 2012


"Word-for-word scripts that take the anxiety out of asking for a deal." - O Magazine
"Top 3 iPhone Apps for Personal Finance Management" - About.com
"Simple, but effective… Incredibly helpful." - Lifehacker

* * * * *

What if you could earn back the cost of your iPhone and all of your apps… with a single phone call?

Ramit Sethi, bestselling author of "I Will Teach You to Be Rich," has taught thousands of people how to save money and negotiate. And now, all of Ramit’s most effective field-tested negotiation scripts are bundled up and ready to use on your iPhone.

Negotiate It shows you exactly what to say -- word-for-word -- to save hundreds on your car insurance, cable and cell phone bills, overdraft fees, and more. The average savings for Negotiate It users has been nearly $150, with some users saving more than $800!

* * * * *

Features of Negotiate It include:

- The exact words to negotiate monthly fees from your credit card, cable company, cell phone, and more (including what to do if they say 'no')
- Ability to record savings and take notes for each call
- Lists of common company telephone numbers, so you can tap and dial
- Automatic reminders for when to call back and renegotiate

The free version of Negotiate It contains three of Ramit's most popular negotiation scripts, for up to $100 of savings:

- Kill Overdraft Fees
- Missed Credit Card Payments
- Open No Fee Account

* * * * *

What users of Negotiate It have saved:

"Used Negotiate It to save $1,236.00 yesterday! Ramit is giving away money with this app."- Brian Knight

"I saved $396 with two phone calls using the scripts." - Deborah L.

"Used Negotiate It and saved $360/yr by lowering my cable bills while getting premium movie channels and faster Internet!" - Pritesh Mehta

“Ramit has saved me $140 in ~7 minutes. AMAZING.” – Michael Williams

“Just used your overdraft fees script for Bank of America... Saved $105 and got HIM to apologize.” – Cody Roth

“My credit card payment was one day late last month. Interest rate went from 6% to 26%. Used your script, saved a $39 late fee, and negotiated back to 6%!" - Mike Bayard

“I've now saved over $600 through your scripts. Thanks, Ramit!” - Kienan Clute

“Monthly cable bill went from $72 to $35 with one phone call. It’s almost too easy!” – Sachit Gupta

“Used Ramit’s methods to get $120 in late fees dropped. Easiest money I’ve ever made.” – Gene Plaks

“Just dropped my monthly car insurance payments almost in half with a phone call. Thanks Ramit.” – Eugene Kuhns

* * * * *

If you’re tired of big companies continuing to increase their monthly fees, use Negotiate It to fight back! You can save money with exact word-for-word scripts that have worked for thousands of others.

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Reviews (Newest First)

Jason Pruitt

Jan 24, 2013

Very little content

Can't leave a review for the paid version since I bought it in-app. My results were: no, no, no and the app is binary (yes/no) with no recourse scripts. Makes negotiation difficult.


Jan 14, 2013


Free version doesn't have any features. In order to use it, you have to pay $5. I paid, and it's still useless. The representative from Comcast actually laughed at me after I read off the script. Don't waste your money in an effort to save it.


Dec 20, 2012

Great Savings

Great way to save money on things you already are spending money on! Easy to use and to understand.


Dec 20, 2012

Good info

This app has all the right things that you need to say in these situations--great to have it at your fingertips!


Dec 20, 2012

Great App

Very useful, easy to follow and laid out well. No doubt it will save lots of cash! 5 stars

Dec 20, 2012

Excellent tips

This free version already saved me money. Upgrading for sure.
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