Ict Division
In 2002, the name of the ministry was changed from ïScience and TechnologyÍ to ïMinistry of Science and Information & Communication TechnologyÍ. To give more thrust for ICT sector the Division has upgraded as Ministry of Information & Communication Technology on 04/12/2011. The change is the evidence of understanding of the importance of ICT from the highest policy level and also an indication that the government is keen to keep pace with modern changi
50 - 200
Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

In 2002, the name of the ministry was changed from ïScience and TechnologyÍ to ïMinistry of Science and Information & Communication TechnologyÍ. To give more thrust for ICT sector the Division has upgraded as Ministry of Information & Communication Technology on 04/12/2011. The change is the evidence of understanding of the importance of ICT from the highest policy level and also an indication that the government is keen to keep pace with modern changing world. After that on 10/02/2014 Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and Ministry of ICT are integrated to Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology. From 10/02/2014 Ministry of ICT starts as a ICT Division. The change has brought new life to the activities of Information & Communication Technology Division.

Vision: Reliable and secure Information and Communication Technology (ICT) towards sustainable Development.

Mission: Support attainment of overall socio economic development of the country by establishinh universal access to ICT for all through research, development successful utilization and digital management of ICT.

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