NISG is a not-for-profit company setup in a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) in 2002 under the recommendations of The National Taskforce on Information Technology & Software Development. NASSCOM, Government of India & Government of Andhra Pradesh are the main promoters with ILFS, Government of Chhattisgarh, Government of Meghalaya & Vizag Municipal Corporation being the other stakeholders. NISG has its origins in the recommendations of the Na
Management Consulting
200 - 500
New Delhi, Delhi, India

NISG is a not-for-profit company setup in a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) in 2002 under the recommendations of The National Taskforce on Information Technology & Software Development. NASSCOM, Government of India & Government of Andhra Pradesh are the main promoters with ILFS, Government of Chhattisgarh, Government of Meghalaya & Vizag Municipal Corporation being the other stakeholders.

NISG has its origins in the recommendations of the National Task Force on IT & Software Development. Forged as a public-private partnership, NISG offers the orientation & efficiency of the private sector combined with the accountability of the public sector. NISG is helping the Government of India & State Governments realize the national e-governance vision. NISG has worked on multiple projects with various ministries under nomination thus keeping the sanctity of Not for Profit organization.

As per the policy laid down at the time of its formation, NISGÕs clientele is limited to Central Government Ministries and Departments; State Government Departments; and Public Sector Undertakings. NISG may work with International Development Agencies (Such as World Bank, UNDP, DFID) when the end recipient of that service is the Government. NISG does not enter into any revenue generating engagements with Private sector.

NISG provides a unique platform for people passionate to work towards nation building and who aspire to bring about a positive change in the society and the lives of millions of Indians. The sheer diversity of its projects offers a wide range of challenging areas for people who want to make a difference. Since NISG is deeply involved in e-government projects that are aimed at transforming the delivery of public services, all of its employees and associates get a chance to work in areas that have a Statewide or countrywide impact.

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