Indegene helps global healthcare organizations address complex challenges by seamlessly integrating Analytics, Technology, Operations and Medical expertise (ATOM). Clients choose Indegene when they want real results. Indegene helps clients drive revenue and productivity by making giant leaps in digital transformation, customer engagement, health reform, healthcare cost reduction, and health outcomes improvement. Indegene works with over 85 global
Information Technology and Services
Bengaluru, India

Indegene helps global healthcare organizations address complex challenges by seamlessly integrating Analytics, Technology, Operations and Medical expertise (ATOM). Clients choose Indegene when they want real results. Indegene helps clients drive revenue and productivity by making giant leaps in digital transformation, customer engagement, health reform, healthcare cost reduction, and health outcomes improvement.

Indegene works with over 85 global customers including bio-tech companies, medical device manufacturers, life science organizations, health plans, accountable care organizations, healthcare co-ops, and provider organizations. Indegene offers Medical, Marketing, Risk, Healthcare Quality, Clinical Effectiveness, and Care Management solutions through a comprehensive portfolio of solutions and technology platforms. With offices in the United States, United Kingdom, China, India, and Australia, Indegene can partner globally with clients; leverage a global talent pool of clinicians, technologists, creative specialists, domain experts, and business process specialists; deploy global infrastructure assets; and harness global healthcare knowledge to solve complex industry challenges.

Indegene is a recognized global leader in improving health and business outcomes for the healthcare industry. The teams, products, and innovation are recognized by leading analyst firms, industry associations and most importantly by customers winning in the market place. With over 50 industry awards across customer engagement, creative and medical, Indegene's ability to drive real outcomes for our customers is unparalleled.

Read more about Indegene at

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| Indegene Omnipresence
  • 37 SDKs
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  • Genre: Medical
  • Bundle ID: com.indegene.familydoctor
  • App Size: 35.5 M
  • Version: 2.0
  • Release Date: June 12th, 2015
  • Update Date: July 17th, 2015


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