Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is an education, research, production and dissemination center with the mission to shape the future habitat of our society, building it in the present. Thanks to a unique and unconventional approach through design, urbanism and technology, IAAC aims to meet the challenges of the XXI century giving real solutions and building a better world to live in now. IAAC works to expand the boundaries of architectu
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is an education, research, production and dissemination center with the mission to shape the future habitat of our society, building it in the present.

Thanks to a unique and unconventional approach through design, urbanism and technology, IAAC aims to meet the challenges of the XXI century giving real solutions and building a better world to live in now. IAAC works to expand the boundaries of architecture and design, by understanding human-environment interaction in different scales and means: from bits to geographies, from microcontrollers to cities, from materials to territories.

IAAC is small, independent and global; inspired by the values of Barcelona, where local high quality innovation-oriented research is connected to an international network of excellence in the fields of technology, architecture and society.

The IAAC Community is interdisciplinary, active and multicultural; open to students, researchers and professionals from all over the world. A platform to experiment and test working prototypes and digital models with reality, through hands-on experience based on a learning by doing methodology.

IaaC offers post-graduate masters, educational programs, workshops and lectures.

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  • Bundle ID: cat.lafosca.fab11
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  • Release Date: August 3rd, 2015
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The official app of the FAB11 – The 11th International Fab Lab Conference and Fab Festival, being held in Boston, August 3rd-9th, 2015.

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Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia
Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia
Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia
Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia
Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia
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