International Association For The Study Of Pain
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is the worldÍs largest multidisciplinary organization focused specifically on pain research and treatment. Membership in IASP is open to all professionals involved in the research, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of pain in a range of disciplines that include anesthesiology, physical therapy, alternative medicine, and pediatrics, neuroscience, psychology, and veterinary science. IASP has 94 national cha
Nonprofit Organization Management
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Washington, DC, United States
International Association For The Study Of Pain

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is the worldÍs largest multidisciplinary organization focused specifically on pain research and treatment. Membership in IASP is open to all professionals involved in the research, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of pain in a range of disciplines that include anesthesiology, physical therapy, alternative medicine, and pediatrics, neuroscience, psychology, and veterinary science.

IASP has 94 national chapters and more than 7,300 members who live in 133 countries. Members may also belong to one or more of 20 special interest groups such as cancer pain, pain in childhood, and pain related to torture, organized violence and war.

To educate and inform its members, IASP funds a variety of fellowships and educational grants, and produces both scientific and clinical publications, including the monthly scientific journal PAIN¬, PAIN Reports¬, PAIN: Clinical Updates, PAIN: E-Monthly, and IASP books relevant to the subject of pain. Every other year, IASP hosts the worldÍs largest pain-related gathering, the World Congress on Pain.

IASP's mission is to bring together scientists, clinicians, health-care providers, and policymakers to stimulate and support the study of pain and to translate that knowledge into improved pain relief worldwide.

IASP was officially incorporated in 1974 and recognized as an NGO by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1987.

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| IASP 15th World Congress on Pain
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IASP brings together scientists, clinicians, health care providers, and policy makers to stimulate and support the study of pain and to translate that knowledge into improved pain relief worldwide. The World Congress on Pain is the premier professional forum devoted to research, clinical practice, education, and treatment of pain. Every two years, the Congress boasts a hearty program of refresher courses, plenary lectures, topical workshops, and poster presentations. The Scientific Program Committee determines the content, and an esteemed faculty from around the world conducts the sessions.

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