International Examiner
Since 1974, it has been the mission of the International Examiner to serve the Asian Pacific American communities by providing accurate, in-depth, timely, and sensitive coverage of local, regional, national, and international issues which affect us. È Published bi-weekly: the first and third Wednesday of each month. È Readership: 30,000 È Circulation: distributed free in the Northwest and mailed to subscribers. È The Examiner is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors.
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Seattle, WA, United States

Since 1974, it has been the mission of the International Examiner to serve the Asian Pacific American communities by providing accurate, in-depth, timely, and sensitive coverage of local, regional, national, and international issues which affect us.
È Published bi-weekly: the first and third Wednesday of each month.
È Readership: 30,000
È Circulation: distributed free in the Northwest and mailed to subscribers.
È The Examiner is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors.

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