Investis is a digital communications company. We bring our unique blend of expertise, technology, and service to more than 2,000 clients worldwide, supporting them from strategy through to full execution. With the myInvestis digital suite at the core, we combine the crafting and publishing of content with deep audience insight to drive effective engagement with the investor community, customers and employees. By tying creative excellence with powerful te
500 - 1,000
London, United Kingdom

Investis is a digital communications company. We bring our unique blend of expertise, technology, and service to more than 2,000 clients worldwide, supporting them from strategy through to full execution.

With the myInvestis digital suite at the core, we combine the crafting and publishing of content with deep audience insight to drive effective engagement with the investor community, customers and employees.

By tying creative excellence with powerful technology, we develop innovative solutions that influence perception and enhance the brand and reputation of our clients. Investis is headquartered in London and has offices across Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| easyJet Investor Relations App
  • 10 K Downloads
  • 17 SDKs
  • 3.28 Avg. Rating
  • 12 Total reviews
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: finance
  • Bundle ID: com.experian.irv3app
  • App Size: 16.4 M
  • Version: 1
  • Release Date: December 12th, 2016
  • Update Date: May 18th, 2018


Experian plc Investor Relation app is a responsive, flexible investor relations tool designed to help investors and other stakeholders better understand Experian plc share price performance on the London Stock Exchange. Experian plc Investor Relation app was developed to meet investors’ own demanding standards and desire for user-accessibility.

Our app provides all the key information visitors need, as well as enabling them to download key resources to view offline. The app enables access to recently published news and regulatory filings, and also allows users to view the company’s financial statements and result presentations. In addition, the app provides access to the share price centre – current and historical stock price charting (data is delayed by 15 minutes).

While the data available in the app will be updated as frequently as possible, Experian plc bears no responsibility whatsoever related to the accuracy, completeness and validity of the data and information presented at a particular, given time. Experian plc reserves the right to alter the data and information contained herein at any time, thus an investor should not make investment decisions based on the app’s content. The user is solely and exclusively responsible for any risk associated with the use and exploitation of the information contained therein.

Features of the app include:

• Detailed share price data (delayed by 15 min),
• Reports & Presentation section with a download management facility,
• A webcast section with a download management facility,
• Content available online and offline,
• Calendar event planning directly from the app
• An email event alert service.

The app requires access to the following user information: calendar, mailbox, location, storage, network communication and identity (accounts on the device, profile data).

The app is provided by Investis Ltd. The app provider may collect statistical data on app usage in order to support app development. For more information, please contact the software developer.

Google Gson
Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of.
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The Google Mobile Ads SDK is the latest generation in Google mobile advertising featuring refined ad formats and streamlined APIs for access to mobile ad networks and advertising solutions. The SDK enables mobile app developers to maximize their monetization on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 8.
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Allow your users explore the world with rich maps provided by Google. Identify locations with custom markers, augment the map data with image overlays, embed one or more maps as fragments, and much more.
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Google Sign-In SDK
Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system that reduces the burden of login for your users, by enabling them to sign in with their Google Account—the same account they already use with Gmail, Play, Google+, and other Google services. Google Sign-In is also your gateway to connecting with Google’s users and services in a secure manner. You can give your users the opportunity to pay with Google Pay, share with their Google-wide contacts, save a file to Drive, add an event to Calendar, and more. Integrate Google’s user-centric APIs and services inside your app to help your users take action and convert.
JSON.simple is a simple Java toolkit for JSON. You can use JSON.simple to encode or decode JSON text.
Android API
All APIs for communicating with the Android system.
The wheel widget for Android.
Apache Commons Codec
Apache Commons Codec (TM) software provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs.
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Appcelerator delivers the only platform built from the ground up for mobile. Each part of the platform was designed specifically for the unique demands of a mobile first world. The Appcelerator platform represents an open, best of breed approach that delivers everything enterprises need to: Deliver a real-time view of your mobile app portfolio for business and project stakeholders alike Create amazing user experiences across multiple operating systems and devices Integrate with data in any cloud or behind a firewall Deliver apps faster with improved quality and control Provide full visibility into user experience and problem management
Appcelerator Titanium
Create amazing cloud-connected, native apps using JavaScript.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Investis receives up to 0.05M pageviews per day, in countries such as India, United States, Finland, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

They are headquartered at London, United Kingdom, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Investis works with Advertising technology companies such as eXelate, BlueKai, LinkedIn Ads, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Bizo, Twitter Ads, Google Remarketing, The Trade Desk.