Ismie Mutual Insurance Company
ISMIE Mutual is the leading medical liability insurance company in Illinois, offering coverage to health care professionals nationwide. ISMIE was founded in 1976 on the premise that physicians must have the freedom to practice medicine without the fear and constraints of medical liability litigation. Dedicated to providing medical practices with superior insurance protection at sensible prices, we offer flexible coverage solutions, incomparable claims services, winni
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Chicago, IL, United States
Ismie Mutual Insurance Company

ISMIE Mutual is the leading medical liability insurance company in Illinois, offering coverage to health care professionals nationwide.

ISMIE was founded in 1976 on the premise that physicians must have the freedom to practice medicine without the fear and constraints of medical liability litigation. Dedicated to providing medical practices with superior insurance protection at sensible prices, we offer flexible coverage solutions, incomparable claims services, winning defense teams, and personalized risk management to every policyholder. We help physicians and other health care professionals focus on providing the best patient care possible.

Over the years, ISMIE Mutual has built a reputation as an innovator in professional liability coverage. Our broad product offering, one of the largest in the industry, ensures that policyholders'_ needs are always met. And our unparalleled service philosophy underscores a team-based approach to the defense of claims, giving physicians confidence and comfort with every step of the process. It's all part of ISMIE Mutual's pledge to policyholders to present a strategic, vigorous defense for every claim.

For over 40 years, we have been providing the We We help physicians focus on the main reason they entered the medical profession: to provide the best patient care possible.

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Ismie Mutual Insurance Company
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