Best Doctors
Best Doctors, Inc. ( is the trusted expert medical resource that helps people take control of their healthcare. By connecting members and their treating physicians with world- renowned experts to confirm the right diagnosis and the right treatment, Best Doctors has a dramatic impact on the quality and cost of healthcare. The company delivers comprehensive, patient-centric, expert advice, empowering members and their physicians with specifi
Hospital & Health Care
500 - 1,000
Boston, MA, United States

Best Doctors, Inc. ( is the trusted expert medical resource that helps people take control of their healthcare. By connecting members and their treating physicians with world- renowned experts to confirm the right diagnosis and the right treatment, Best Doctors has a dramatic impact on the quality and cost of healthcare.

The company delivers comprehensive, patient-centric, expert advice, empowering members and their physicians with specific, pertinent, actionable information. Better than a traditional second opinion, Best Doctors delivers a comprehensive evaluation of a memberÍs medical condition „ providing value to both its members and their treating physicians.

When patients face a medical decision, they have questions:

´ Is this diagnosis right?
´ Is this medication right for my condition?
´ Is surgery my best option?
´ What is the best treatment?

Globally, Best Doctors delivers this benefit through health insurance products that are transforming the industry.
In the U.S., Best Doctors services are available as a health benefit through leading employers. Complementary to an employeeÍs current health plan or care management program, Best Doctors healthcare decision support service puts individuals in charge of their health and gives them access to the best experts and medical information through a network of 50,000 ñbest in their fieldî expert physicians.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Best Doctors Member App
  • 6 SDKs
  • 11 Total reviews
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Health & Fitness
  • Bundle ID: com.bestdoctors.di
  • App Size: 11.8 M
  • Version: 2.1
  • Release Date: April 5th, 2012
  • Update Date: April 15th, 2015


Best Doctors is one of the fastest growing and most experienced health insurers in the market. Our plans are easy to understand and built around the idea that getting the right care should be the starting point of any insurance. With more than 20 years experience in the market, Best Doctors has worked with the world's leading medical experts and institutions to help more than 30 million people in 45 countries be sure they have the very best medical care.

The new Best Doctors Insurance Limited application offers our clients in Latin America and the Caribbean the ability to research our different health insurance plans offering worldwide coverage. You can have the certainty of having information on our plans at your fingertips by quoting the different plans, and even watch our latest client testimonials on our patented service InterConsultation.

This app is meant for clients who are permanent residents in Latin America or the Caribbean, or expats who will be moving to the region and require comprehensive global medical coverage.

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Reviews (Newest First)

Jun 04, 2015

No USA. Unable to use!! FAIL !!!

For a company with roots at Harvard, one would expect better. One would especially expect the app to work for the U.S., but it's not an option in the mandatory Country selection, so the app can't even be opened! Very disappointed. Deleted it.


Mar 11, 2015

La aplicación solo funciona utilizando el iPad de manera vertical( botón de inicio hacia abajo )

Tengo un error en la aplicación no podía acceder a su menú por que al estar el iPad en manera horizontal no carga bien la aplicación si pueden por favor arreglar este error que en versiones anteriores no se presentaba


Aug 21, 2014

Best App Easy to understand their health plans

Great tool to understand their health insurance products, I can even send it via email and have it of further information review!


Jun 23, 2014

Not intuitive and no US

I downloaded this app on suggestion of a brochure I received from best doctors on behalf of my employer in the US. The app ended up being not having US as an option and to even get started you have to click on the bottom left corner with no button to click on except some text. Not intuitive at all. Couldn't test any features because USA does not exist.


Jun 16, 2014

Great tool

We are international customers of Best Doctors this year not only we are renewing our policy but also including a new family member we always got an answer from Best Doctors when we needed the most!


Oct 28, 2013

Great tool

My husband and I been looking for an health insurance that cover internationally this is a great tool easy to navigate we selected and qoute our plan in minutes!
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