J.r. Simplot Company
Founded in 1929, the J.R. Simplot Company is one of the world's largest agribusiness companies. Headquartered in Boise, Idaho, the privately-held company employs more than 10,000 people worldwide with annual revenues of $6 billion. The company's integrated portfolio includes phosphate mining, fertilizer manufacturing, farming, ranching, cattle production, food processing, food brands, and other enterprises related to agriculture. The companyÍs roots go b
Food Production
5,000 - 10,000
Boise, ID, United States

Founded in 1929, the J.R. Simplot Company is one of the world's largest agribusiness companies.

Headquartered in Boise, Idaho, the privately-held company employs more than 10,000 people worldwide with annual revenues of $6 billion.

The company's integrated portfolio includes phosphate mining, fertilizer manufacturing, farming, ranching, cattle production, food processing, food brands, and other enterprises related to agriculture.

The companyÍs roots go back to 1923, when founder J.R. Simplot left home at the age of 14 to start a one-man farming operation. J.R. was never afraid to embrace new ideas and take on new challenges. His vision set the company on a course grounded in innovation, determined to always seek out new ways of making food plentiful and accessible to everyone.

Simplot pioneered advancements in food production _ from perfecting the dehydration of vegetables, to helping feed our troops in World War Two, to the development of the frozen french fry.

Simplot remains focused on feeding a growing population. The company continues to seek out new ideas and approaches to provide safe and nutritious foods for future generations.

Simplot has never lost sight of its farming and ranching roots and the importance of protecting the environment. Sustainability is woven into the very fabric of the company, driving SimplotÍs employees to work smarter and seek out new, more efficient and environmentally friendly technologies to improve operations.

SimplotÍs spirit of innovation, respect for resources and passion for people are cultivating a world of possibilities.

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| BEST® Fertilizer Spread Rates
  • 10 SDKs
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  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/j-r-simplot-company/id965562058
  • App Support: http://www.simplot.com/turf_horticulture/best/resources/spread_rate_app/contact
  • Genre: Utilities
  • Bundle ID: com.simplot.fertilizerapplicationrate
  • App Size: 4.6 M
  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Release Date: February 17th, 2015
  • Update Date: April 18th, 2020


Quickly and easily calculate fertilizer spread rates.

Carry the spread rates for nitrogen turf fertilizer right in your pocket. The BEST® fertilizer calculator enables you to quickly and easily estimate amounts of BEST® fertilizer right from your iPhone or iPad. Know the amount of nitrogen in each BEST product by simply selecting from a list of BEST® professional fertilizers, or enter your own nitrogen percent levels to identify your fertilizer product options. With the BEST® fertilizer spread rate calculator you cut out guess-work and save time: no complicated forms to fill out or complex spreadsheets to manage.

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Legal Disclaimer: This Spread Rate calculator is provided for general information and illustration purposes only; the results are to be used only as estimates and are not intended as definitive advice or as a resource applicable to any specific circumstance and should not be relied upon or used as such. J.R. Simplot Company cannot guarantee your results.

*some features require connection to the internet

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Assets Library Framework
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Foundation Framework
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J.r. Simplot Company
J.r. Simplot Company receives up to 0.05M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States.

They are headquartered at Boise, ID, United States, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. J.r. Simplot Company works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, AdRoll.