Kanoon Iran Novin
KIN pursues to build up and regularly organize various new ideas through application of modern tools by a team of men and women who specialize in professionally demonstrate the value and worth of your brand and product. Affecting the world around you is our philosophy. We are a full service and integrated communications network. We‰Ûªre in the business of getting people to fall in love with our clientsª products and services. Through our creativ
Marketing and Advertising
200 - 500
Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Kanoon Iran Novin

KIN pursues to build up and regularly organize various new ideas through application of modern tools by a team of men and women who specialize in professionally demonstrate the value and worth of your brand and product.
Affecting the world around you is our philosophy.

We are a full service and integrated communications network. We‰Ûªre in the business of getting people to fall in love with our clientsª products and services. Through our creative ideas across all media and all disciplines, we set out to turn brands into Lovemarks which, unlike brands, generate loyalty beyond reason. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to differentiate and motivate. And to change the world for the better.

We have an unshakable spirit and unbeatable attitude from day one at Kanoon Iran Novin that Nothing is Impossible.

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  • 3091924 Global Rank
  • 45369
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Global Rank 117,733
Iran Rank 4,452
Iran Page Views 96.6%
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  • Networks
  • Cable
  • Discovery Channel
Kanoon Iran Novin receives up to 0.2M pageviews per day, in countries such as Iran.

They are headquartered at Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Kanoon Iran Novin works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.