Kira Labs Inc.
Kira Labs Inc, a cosmetic manufacturer established in 2003, has become a leading beauty innovator and market driver for Face, Body, Hair and Home products. An early adopter to the ecommerce revolution, Kira Labs has since grown to vertically market & manufacture over 15 brands worldwide B2B & B2C through Brick and Mortar, Digital and a 360 degree omnichannel strategy. Kira Labs has been recognized globally for its product quality and was recently
50 - 200
Pompano Beach, FL, United States

Kira Labs Inc, a cosmetic manufacturer established in 2003, has become a leading beauty innovator and market driver for Face, Body, Hair and Home products. An early adopter to the ecommerce revolution, Kira Labs has since grown to vertically market & manufacture over 15 brands worldwide B2B & B2C through Brick and Mortar, Digital and a 360 degree omnichannel strategy. Kira Labs has been recognized globally for its product quality and was recently named Florida Exporter of the Year.

Kira Labs continues to grow and maintain a continuous improvement culture with the support of a strong executive, R&D, manufacturing, design, marketing & sales teams. Our G.M.P compliant facility follows best practice process and protocol and products contain the highest concentrations of active ingredients to deliver dramatic results with the end user satisfaction level in-mind..

Research and Development is a key component to our success Ð the Kira Labs scientific team actively sources the latest in ingredient technology from around the world, while our product team maintains an active presence at industry events to keep abreast of emerging trends in products, packaging and design. Because our facility houses all aspects of development and manufacture, from formulation to design and packaging, we are often first to market with the latest innovations in skincare, while adhering to the most stringent procedures and protocols. Our retail websites provide an unparalleled test marketing opportunity for all stock products, with immediate customer feedback allowing for improvements to formulations, packaging and design, and sales information.

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They are headquartered at Pompano Beach, FL, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Kira Labs Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.