Xcel Brands, Inc.
Xcel Brands, Inc. is a leader and innovator in the acquisition, design, licensing, marketing, and retail sales of consumer brands. Xcel owns and manages the Isaac Mizrahi, Judith Ripka, H Halston, and C. Wonder brands, pioneering an omnichannel sales strategy inclusive of interactive media, brick and mortar retail, and e-commerce. Headquartered in New York City, Xcel Brands is led by an executive team with significant retailing, licensing, design, and marketing exper
Apparel & Fashion
50 - 200
New York, NY, United States
Xcel Brands, Inc.

Xcel Brands, Inc. is a leader and innovator in the acquisition, design, licensing, marketing, and retail sales of consumer brands. Xcel owns and manages the Isaac Mizrahi, Judith Ripka, H Halston, and C. Wonder brands, pioneering an omnichannel sales strategy inclusive of interactive media, brick and mortar retail, and e-commerce. Headquartered in New York City, Xcel Brands is led by an executive team with significant retailing, licensing, design, and marketing experience, and a proven track record of success in elevating branded consumer products companies. With a team of over 50 designers and social media focused marketing executives, Xcel maintains control of product quality and promotion across all of its licensed product categories and distribution channels. Xcel differentiates by design. www.xcelbrands.com

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They are headquartered at New York, NY, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Xcel Brands, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as 247 Media, AppNexus, Media.net, Open AdStream.