Lantm_nnen Cerealia
Our journey as a Group started over 100 years ago, when Swedish farmers came together to create new ways of working with grain. Ever since, Lantm_nnen has been all about developing a profitable and sustainable business from grain _ a very small product, yet with such huge potential. Today, we are an international and growing Group with operations across the entire value chain _ from field to fork. What we develop and deliver as a group influence societ
Consumer Goods
> 10,000
Stockholm, Sweden

Our journey as a Group started over 100 years ago, when Swedish farmers came together to create new ways of working with grain. Ever since, Lantm_nnen has been all about developing a profitable and sustainable business from grain _ a very small product, yet with such huge potential.
Today, we are an international and growing Group with operations across the entire value chain _ from field to fork. What we develop and deliver as a group influence society and peopleÍs everyday lives _ creating value for our farmers and future generations.
Wherever we work at Lantm_nnen _ in agriculture, food, machinery or bioenergy _ we see the bigger picture in everything we do.
With customers that are more conscious, increasing climate changes and a growing world population _ the demand for more innovative and responsible grain solutions is higher than ever. To stay successful and be in the forefront, we need the right people to shape our future. People with an open mind and courage to try new ways, the desire to work together and the drive to influence our road ahead. Together we reimagine the world of grain.

Lantm_nnen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern EuropeÍs leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products. Owned by 25,000 Swedish farmers, we have 10,000 employees and an annual turnover of SEK 40 billion. With research and operations throughout the value chain, we take responsibility from field to fork.

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  • Genre: Business
  • Bundle ID: com.mm3.swseed
  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Release Date: October 27th, 2011
  • Update Date: June 9th, 2014


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Nov 05, 2011


Perfekta appen! All hjälp man behöver till val av frö. Söker fler av dessa appar!

Nov 04, 2011


Perfekta hjälpen för val av frö

Nov 01, 2011

Snyggt men fattigt

Stilrent och enkelt upplägg, lätt att hitta. Men ganska tunn app och klent med information. Men varför "Sä rätt" och inte "Så rätt"? Måste vara ett slarvfel, eller?

Nov 01, 2011

Sä rätt?

Sä rätt eller så rätt? Snygg app!
They are headquartered at Stockholm, Sweden, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Lantm_nnen Cerealia works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Adform, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, LinkedIn Ads, Google Floodlight Counter.